Solo Monk???

Ok, folks played original game back when it came out and recently bought the EE version and now beat it again... God's I missed a true RPG game that has some depth to it and distance.
Anyhoo, trying to solo BG1 on a Monk for a challenge. Now I have a question to all you guys who have soloed before... to you just drink ALOT of potions of healing or do you sleep for days to heal up between fights and bouts?
I am currently Lvl 3 and bout to hit Naskel and Carnival so want to know if I will be blowing all money I got on Pots or just give to church?
confused monk
Anyhoo, trying to solo BG1 on a Monk for a challenge. Now I have a question to all you guys who have soloed before... to you just drink ALOT of potions of healing or do you sleep for days to heal up between fights and bouts?
I am currently Lvl 3 and bout to hit Naskel and Carnival so want to know if I will be blowing all money I got on Pots or just give to church?
confused monk
But anyway, resting for days has no effect on gameplay (apart from one timed quest that you can't avoid), so you can do that with no penalty other than having a save that reads "10023 days and X hours" or something like that.
Good luck soloing your Monk! That ought to be an interesting challenge.
I'd agree on the necessity of potions for this type of run. Potions of explosions & Oils of fiery burning might also be helpful to soften up larger groups of enemies.