Minsc doesn't mind Edwin joining

Minsc had just joined my party and I had agreed to help rescue his beloved friend Dynaheir. Then I walk to Edwin and agree to help him kill Dynaheir. Minsc or Boo had nothing to say to this. I found it somewhat amusing.
Generally, BG1 had very little party interaction.
Charname: Of course not don't be silly. We were just talking about er .. dying my hair. Edwin knows a thing or two about hair fashion.
Edwin: What?
Minsc: Oh really? I could swear I heard...
Charname: Did you hear that Edwin? Minsc misheard we were plotting on MURDERING his friend. Isn't that funny. Hahaha.
Edwin: Oh yes. Indeed.
Side note: well when you installed ToSC for the original BG1, the game gave you a hint to which characters would follow in BG2. The mission pack that came with was composed party of Abdel (Human Fighter) with 18/91 Str, 19 Dex and Con and Char, and then 7 Int and 6 Wisdom I believe then, Imoen, Minsc, Edwin, Jahera and Viconia. Which just happens to be the party I like the roll with since all of them are in BG2 as well.
Kind of interesting to see that party with no Khalid or Dynaheir.