about playing evil. Does bribing a guard EVER work? run or kill the guard? (minor spoilers)

so whenever we fail to lock pick a chest, and get caught, they civilian calls a guard.
typically, we're given the choice to fight or bribe. I've attempted bribing every time... and failed every time (with an 18 CHA char too!)
so does bribing ever succeed?
if not, that means the only choice is to run or fight... but baldur's gate is a persistent world, so if I run too much, wouldn't there be a boat-load of guards out on the street searching for me day and night? or will they *eventually* give up and leave the map?
any other alternatives?
typically, we're given the choice to fight or bribe. I've attempted bribing every time... and failed every time (with an 18 CHA char too!)
so does bribing ever succeed?
if not, that means the only choice is to run or fight... but baldur's gate is a persistent world, so if I run too much, wouldn't there be a boat-load of guards out on the street searching for me day and night? or will they *eventually* give up and leave the map?
any other alternatives?
Other alternatives would be nice though.
I'm surprised my 18 CHA thief can't sweet talk/bribe a lowly guard. Maybe if I read the book of CHA+1 and added a nymph cloak.... throw in another 500 GP, and a 8GP royal-room at the local inn....
still no? ... shucks. haha
Oh, by the way:
- You can't bribe the Flaming Fist, but you CAN bribe amnish soldiers.
At least thats how I recall it from Vanilla BG1 - haven't got caught in BG:EE yet except in Candlekeep trying to swipe the extra health potion and there sometimes the I can get away between the time I get the message the guards were called and them actually showing up - other times I have just outrun them and lost them by the time I reached the Inn.