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VittordeVittoVittordeVitto Member Posts: 225
Can someone help me make my list better ?

Lawfull evil: No RP reason.
Chaotic Evil: hurr durr murder all pls.
Neutral Evil: o Loved Ur blades... Ow! You are ALL ALONE in this woods? ")
Chaotic Neutral: hurr durr im in a bad moddy today...
True Neutral: you disturb the balance towards good. Die Drow!!
Lawfull Neutral: hurr durr i do anything for money... Im pretty sure loth has a price on your head!
Lawfull Good: No reason.
Neutral Good: No reason.
Chaotic Good: Drows are Evil and i Loved to smite evils face!


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  • VittordeVittoVittordeVitto Member Posts: 225
    Bhaaldog said:

    Well I was dating Viconia and he decided to make a move on her....

    You REALLY like vic, don`t you @bhaaldog

  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Lawful Evil: Your objective is to kill Sarevok, and that means acquiring the best weapons, armor and magic the Sword Coast has to offer. Drizzt isn't your ally, he isn't willing to side with you against your enemies, and therefore he's fair game.

    Neutral Evil: The same as above, really, except that Drizzt's status pertaining to your own mission is irrelevant - he has items that can serve you well and he isn't willing to part from them.

    Chaotic Evil: For the challenge.

    True Neutral: Drizzt's presence is upsetting the balance - he's an overwhelming force for good and must be terminated in order to equalize the two sides of the conflict.

    Lawful Neutral: No reason I can think of.

    Chaotic Neutral: Same as Neutral Evil, except you'll at least try to pickpocket Drizzt before resorting to violence.

    Lawful Good: He's a drow, and you are under the mistaken belief that all drow are evil.

    Neutral Good: No reason I can think of.

    Chaotic Good: He's a drow, and you don't know for sure that he's the Drizzt - he could be lying. Better that you kill him, just to be sure - can't risk him going on a rampage in Beregost...
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  • VittordeVittoVittordeVitto Member Posts: 225
    Don`t you think lawful neutral would kill him expeting a reward from someone ?
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    If you have Viconia in your party, RP reasons to kill Drizzt become somewhat awkward... Though, one could argue that when you first meet Viconia that she's covering herself and you don't really see the fact that she's a drow before the Flaming Fist mercenary after her says it... and Drizzt isn't so much and you just see drow and kill on sight.
  • VittordeVittoVittordeVitto Member Posts: 225
    Kaltzor said:

    If you have Viconia in your party, RP reasons to kill Drizzt become somewhat awkward... Though, one could argue that when you first meet Viconia that she's covering herself and you don't really see the fact that she's a drow before the Flaming Fist mercenary after her says it... and Drizzt isn't so much and you just see drow and kill on sight.

    If CHARNAME is male you have ALL the RO REASONS in the world to save her =)
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  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Hm, Viconia is still proud of being a drow AND evil. She doesn't have the chance to become neutral until BG2. So she might see Drizzt as a lowly male who only went to the surface because he wasn't tough enough to accomplish anything in the Underdark. She may want to prove that it doesn't matter where they are; drow females are still superior and can put a male in his place.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    There's another way to look at it: whatever her true nature, Viconia is willing to help you. Drizzt isn't.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    edited February 2013
    I think true neutral would keep him alive, as he balanced out the drow. Since he is the only good one.

    I don't know that the chaotic good reason would fly.

    I don't think lawful neutral do anything for money. Random murders are fairly unlawful.

    Chaotic Neutral is pretty freaking random, so ok, I'll give that one a go.

    Neutral and chaotic evil are dead on.

    Lawful evil would kill him in for a drow that put a contract out on him, because he would be considered a law breaker of the drow.

    So, I think chaotic neutral, neutral evil, and chaotic evil are the only alignments that really have a legit, non stretching RP reason in BG. I don't think lawful evil has the oppertunity in the constraints of BG to have a great RP reason, but I think this one is a way easier stretch than chaotic good for example.

    Lawful evil could consider Drizzt to be a law breaker of the drow, and is bringing their head in for a reward at a future date.

    Ok, LE, CE, NE, and CN all make sense I think.

    Edit: I think Lawful neutral could do it for the same reasons I've given for lawful evil. Drizzt is a criminal that has a death sentence on his head, OR a hero, depending on which side you look from.

    From the drow's perspective it is very lawful to kill him. So evil would take that perspective, neutral could take either perspective, and lawful good would obviously see the other perspective.

    So LE, CE, NE, CN, and LN.

    TN maybe if you don't take my original perspective, and saw it from the idea of elves and drow balance each other out as light and dark, so a good drow is screwing that up.

    LE, CE, NE, CN, LN. and TN.

    Ok, every non good one. Sorry I repeated myself a lot in that edit.
  • MathmickMathmick Member Posts: 326
    Here's a reason:

    Oooooh! Shiny Scimitars and nice Mithril armour. Kill kill kill!

    This is a justification for all alignments. Stop trying to make stuff up. You want the swords.
  • VittordeVittoVittordeVitto Member Posts: 225
    I usually just use the armor ...
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    edited February 2013
    Ultimate reason: A talking drow?! ATTACK!!!

    or just:

    U no boobs. Me kill!
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    For all alignments: AHH FUCK A DROW!
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938

    I think the point was which alignments actually could have a possible RP reason for killing him, and which ones are obviously only what you suggest.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    @lDanielHolm just solved this problem for every alignment.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Because Drizzt is a jerk.

    You can say you won't help him because he can obviously handle himself because he's FRICKEN DRIZZT. He'll threaten you for not helping and any character can say "hey now, I don't respond well to threats, maybe the gnolls had the right idea after all" and he'll attack you for it.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938

    I don't think I've ever taken that dialogue tree.

    What an ass. Attacking you over that statement however, seems pretty against his alignment.

    So, to your point, if he isn't RPing his, why RP ours. Gimme those swords. Kthxbye.
  • TomeTome Member Posts: 466
    This is sort of the issue with dialogue trees. I think that 'maybe the gnolls had the right idea...' was meant to be you threatening Drizzt, but it's pretty hard to see from the player's perspective whether it's a threat or just an insult.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    Evil is as evil does, so the evil character can kill him just because.

    A Good or Neutral aligned character could easily have a hatred of the drow, and if responding to him as such there is a dialogue option that turns him hostile. But that is up to the RP conscience of the player as to how he or she envisions the main character.

    Not every surface dweller would be KoS towards drow (though many undoubtedly are). There's no clear indication that it is Drizzt when he calls out for help. But one might be able to at least speculate that it is, and take a chance on helping him as such.

    So it depends on what you imagine your character to be like in that situation. But not the alignment itself.
  • SamuelVargSamuelVarg Member Posts: 598
    edited February 2013
    All alignments: Because Lillarcor says so.

    Murder, death, kill! Murder, death, kill!
  • kingthrallkingthrall Member Posts: 76

    Good characters perception - Hes a drow, he's also broken laws in other places and cities whether they are dubious cities or not law is law (lawful good). Can make a profit on the side regardless of how corrupt the law is or how honourable.

    Neutual perception- As a well reputed hero Drizzt tips the balance towards good, so by eliminating him its one step closer to a more balance and harmonious world even if for a time evil is permitted to have the upper hand for a few years.

    Evil- Make some Gold, Another Head for the Trophy rack, be famous for slaying drizzt ect.

    Also being the killer of so many drizzt could have killed family or friends known to the player or companions and thus another reason added.
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  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Chaotic Good "reason" is 100% bullshit, unfortunately. Good character wouldn't kill a famous person with heroic reputation. Drow, or not, it doesn't matter.

    The truth is, you guys just want to lay your hands on his loot and are seeking RP excuses in order to do so. Sadly, good character has none.
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    edited February 2013
    @Kaltzor Viconia actually provides one of the more realistic RP reasons for ambushing Drizzt. Viconia is formerly of house Devir, which was annihilated in an attack by house Do'Urden the night Drizzt was born. Drizzt obviously didn't take part in the battle, being a newborn, but Viconia should be eager to wipe out any Drow bearing the Do'Urden name.

    @Moopy, @Shawne: Not that you're wrong with certain points, but I find issue with a True Neutral character killing Drizzt in the name of balance. First off, we're assuming this TN character actually believes in a balance, and isn't just TN because they have no affiliation with good or evil. I'm currently in a multiplayer game with my brother playing a TN Blade, simply because my character's main personality trait is "Not giving a fuck". He'll follow my brother's NG Sorcerer to the ends of the earth, mostly because they're best bros and my Blade thinks he'll get laid out of it.

    Then, we assume that the balance-worshipping (ie. probably druid) PC views Drizzt as a threat to such balance. That's a stretch. Even druids tend to prefer Good neighbors, right? That's straight out of the manual. The Sword Coast is in grave peril at the hands of the forces of Evil, so the presence of a paragon like Drizzt serves the balance much more than killing him would? I mean, Jaheira will quit your party on the spot if you attack him in BG2, though I forget her exact reasons for doing so (And Jaheira is hardly TN anyway).

    For a Lawful Neutral character to kill Drizzt, they would have to have a certain level of obsession over the law to overlook Drizzt's influence. Drizzt is CG if memory serves, but that's because his race makes it impossible to be entirely law-abiding on the surface world, not because he's some sort of agent of chaos. He routinely hunts down highwaymen and defends caravans or trade ships, which is a lawful pursuit. Only a LN character with a similar mindset of Vhailor in PS:T would justify killing Drizzt, the way I see it.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    edited February 2013

    I think your definition of true neutral is off, they don't not give a fuck, when I want to play a character like that I select chaotic neutral.

    Your description of your character sounds a lot more like chaotic neutral to me.

    Wanting balance isn't really reserved for druids, plus they don't care about good or evil neighbors, they only want to balance out sides, so they actually want good and evil neighbors. Pretty hard to RP because it is basically psychotic. (in my opinion)

    Depending on how you want to define that balance, TN has a very good reason to kill Drizzt, and a very great reason not to. At that point it would come down to the characters perspective on if they were balancing elves vs drow, or good drow vs evil drow. My point is that given the personality of the true neutral character, an argument is there to be made that most DMs would accept, for either way.

    Lawful Neutral doesn't just have to be concerned with GOOD laws. It is a matter of the characters perspective. If he looks at drow laws he is killing a traitor. If he looks at top side laws he would be killing a hero. A lawful neutral character would have the ability to look at either. If a character consistently looked at good sided laws, or evil sided laws, they would be switched to lawful good or lawful evil by their DM at some point.

    To reiterate, what do you mean overlook his influence? If I look at his influence from the drow perspective, that is even a larger reason to kill him. You are looking at it from a normal top siders, normally good, point of view. Where as a neutral character would be able to look at it from the drows perspective or anyone elses perspective.

    A lot of alignment comes down to perspective, and can play out very differently over different characters with the same alignment. The main thing is that you are consistent, or not consistent depending on your exact alignment, or your DM is going to switch your alignment.

    For example. If I decided to balance elves vs drow so a good drow has to die, and LATER I made a very similar decision but didn't look at the two light and dark sides of a race, but at only balancing the dark side or light side internally, and I KEPT switching it up. I'd get switched to chaotic neutral at some point. By the DMs I've played with at least.
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