Turn companion evil
So there are couple evil companions in BG2 that you can turn neutral or good, but not a single good companion that you can turn neutral or evil! Please address this in BG2EE, since as far as I know you can't really alter the existing companions much it would have to be either Neera or Rasaad. Unless there are of course more new good companions coming.
Later that day another man comes along, kicks the door down and beats the living shit out of the old lady, takes some cash out of her handbag and then urinates upon her mercilessly while recording it all on his iphone. The resulting youtube video gets many subscribers for reasons probably best left to the imagination. The banana succeeds only in bewildering CSI.
My question is this; are these two men kinda close in terms of personality?
@RaphielDrake, Anomen in NO WAY is a good character, he can by endurance and with the right advices, police himself enough to become something alike good, but his soul is dark (and he know this, it's refered in the romance dialogues) so what keep him on the good side is his lawful behavior (if he keep it).
Anomen at the begin is more worried in appear righteous than really being righteous, many quests in the game will show you this. He will rarely show mercy (specially when the character has to kill or betray anyone labeled evil based in race or another stereotype), he will complain when we try to help the poisoned guy that start the Harper quest (refering to the poisoned man as a drunk idiot) and will hurry main char to ignore a lot of other help requests unless they could bring glory to him.
He even ignore the fact that Bodhi is a vampire and prefer to ally himself with an evil undead if that keep him from dealing with the shadow thiefs, he prefer a truly evil unknow to society than be seen allied with the shadow thiefs, an organization that isn't completly evil, but just has no qualms about resorting to evil tactcis to achieve their objectives.
Without lawful behavior to keep him straight, i found strange in BG2 the absence of an opportunity to push him to evil. In my view it's just lack of content, a shame truly.
Maybe a good idea for a mod though.
By the way Hasbro owns WotC apparently.
Atari has the authority under agreement with Hasbro to publish Baldur's Gate (and a number of other D&D video games). It doesn't however actually hold the intellectual rights to the game. When it comes to modifying the games gameplay/characters while I'm sure Atari is involved I think its far more likely that it is the case that Hasbro is the one putting the restrictions in place (and by restrictions I'm talking about gameplay/story/character changes not the current restrictions on distributing the game).