In which city or location you would like to live and why? BG2 and ToB locations listed

- In which city or location you would like to live and why? BG2 and ToB locations listed66 votes
- Athkatla (which district?)18.18%
- Trademeet30.30%
- Imnesvale (in Umar Hills)10.61%
- Brynnlaw  1.52%
- Ust Natha  1.52%
- Underwater city  4.55%
- Sudanessellar18.18%
- Saradush  1.52%
- Amkethran  1.52%
- Some dungeon or other place12.12%
ps. You can also live in Trademeet and hang around with Neeber!
out in the country
but still has a urban feel to it
Heh you listed Brynnlaw, that's the troll vote right?
Though living in an aboleth city would be even better, if only for:
Also, I see no one wants to live in Saradush... How strange *troll mode ON* XD
If you check on the look of the island (trees, rocks, climatic conditions), it looks more a island that you would find in Atlantic Ocean, but far from tropical regions (more like small islands in Brittany - Western France and other United Kingdom island like Jersey and son on).
If I HAVE to live somewhere, place me down in a cleared-out and completely re-armed Durlag's Tower, I want nothing to do with the outside world!