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What BGEE2 needs to do to be successful



  • DetroitRedWings25DetroitRedWings25 Member Posts: 244
    Aosaw said:

    This game definitely needs more wombats.

    I second this notion.
  • JamesJames Member Posts: 110
    Aosaw said:

    This game definitely needs more wombats.

    And their very strange square poo
  • DjimmyDjimmy Member Posts: 749
    VikingR said:

    One word - contract limitations

    That is not actually wise, I believe. Otherwise, they can put unicorns coughing rainbows and cartoon dragons and stuff...

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,675
    edited February 2013
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  • ghostowlghostowl Member Posts: 171

    Was this topic a joke? I can't really tell. Why would I want to to pay for BG2 and get not-BG2, which is pretty much what you're suggesting.

    People like you is the reason why overhaul can put in the least amount of effort and make profit from doing no work on a game. If it's 'enhanced', I expect to see some improvements. Thats the definition of enhanced. Not some minor crap that a few mods can do. If that was the case, I wouldn't consider it much of an improvement and make a logical judgment that this re-work isn't worth my money.

    So you would want to pay money for BG2 to remain the same even tho its 'enhanced'? I just have the biggest disrespect for people like you who allow companies to milk a great series with no work. You want the game to remain largely the same? Whats the point of buying it again then? I also pointed out that it is worth the money for tablet users to buy it because they wouldnt be able to play it on their tablet otherwise....but for us PC users, it just wouldn't be worth the money.

    I know that a lot of other people on this thread have said the same thing as you...but there's actually a LOT of people who thought BGEE itself didnt have enough improvements and therefore did not buy it and chose to pirate or ignore. Just browse around other forums besides this one...because the people who remain/signed up for this forum are on the extreme side of the spectrum..the most loyal fans which are not really representative of everyone
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,452
    Actually I think most of us want very little changed; some bug fixes, a couple new characters and a minor quest or two should do it. The main thing I want is easier compatibility with newer operating systems, especially iOS.

    And that's what makes it an enhanced edition, NOT an all new game...
  • HooHoo Member Posts: 128
    edited February 2013
    The most essential is obviously NO BUG.
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    atcDave said:

    Actually I think most of us want very little changed; some bug fixes, a couple new characters and a minor quest or two should do it. The main thing I want is easier compatibility with newer operating systems, especially iOS.

    And that's what makes it an enhanced edition, NOT an all new game...

    I think the attitude of most of us on this site is:

    BG3 would be the new game. BG1/BG2 EE should be polishing an already great product and not doing a rewrite that is more likely to ruin a classic than to successfully reinvent the wheel.
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    Here is another continuity point. When your character is imported into BG2, you should have a marker indicating what you did with Drizzt so if you killed him he automatically remembers you and is looking for revenge when you meet up. There is no reason that should be an open dialogue tree where you can pretend that he doesn't remember the guy who surrounded him with 4 NPCs and then beat him to death with a staff.
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  • ImryllImryll Member Posts: 24
    edited February 2013
    I would like Ascension to be selectable from a menu more or less the way the data menu works in Bethesda games. Other than that I'm interested in bug fixes and convenience, not a "reimagining" of BG2.
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    What I would like from BG2EE is

    1) enhanced compatibility with new OS and modern screen resolutions
    2) bug fixes
    3) advanced settings (video, difficulty, etc.) to fully customise our gameplay experience
    4) enhanced support for the modding community, maybe even an official modding tool
    5) optional new areas/NPCs/items/quests, but with the possibility to choose which ones to add to the vanilla game

    I'm aware that #5 is not likely gonna happen, but it would be great if we were given the choice to play the game with or without new content and selectively choose exactly which new content to add.

    I firmly believe the any modification to the vanilla game should go through optional mods rather than be forced on us. After all, BG2 is such a great game as it is.
  • BigfishBigfish Member Posts: 367
    I'd be happy with a release date relatively soon. I can only play through so much of BG 1 before I get a hankering to play through the much better 2.
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    Imryll said:

    I would like Ascension to be selectable from a menu more or less the way the data menu works in Bethesda games. Other than that I'm interested in bug fixes and convenience, not a "reimagining" of BG2.

    If what we have seen from BG1 is an indicator (and I am inclined to think it is), then there will only be a few minor adjustments to the baseline story. Ascension is a great mod but rewrites a lot of content. I would bet heavily that they are not permitted to make this kind of change unless their contract on BG2 gives them more freedom than their BG1 agreement. As such, I think the best you can hope for is that Ascension will be updated so it is BG2:EE compatible.

  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    @Rhyme. Well said and written. 100% agree.

    "Let a man sit by your fire and he will be warm for the night.
    Teach the man to make fire and he will be warm every night.
    Set him on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life."
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    well well well to just buy the game after we bought BGEE only to support Overhaul is seriously stupid. Money dont just grow on trees and everything that has a price must have something worth (in this case enhancements). Dont make it too easy! Fanboism is not cool imo, it only hurts the quality in the longrun if you got my point.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    @NWN_babaYaga. as far as "everything that has a price must have something worth", the possibility of BG3 is "Something worth" in my book.

    Have you never invested in something with the expectations of future benefit to you?
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376

    well well well to just buy the game after we bought BGEE only to support Overhaul is seriously stupid. Money dont just grow on trees and everything that has a price must have something worth (in this case enhancements). Dont make it too easy! Fanboism is not cool imo, it only hurts the quality in the longrun if you got my point.

    Is this an argument for or against Lucas-ing BG2/TOB? For my money, well develop story lines with 5 or so new NPCs and some incremental content associated with them along with a ton of bug fixes and engine improvements sounds great. A substantial rewriting and reimagining of BG2/TOB sounds like trouble.
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    edited February 2013
    My point is very clear. I think i supported them with BGEE before i could knew how it will pay off for me. That is imo enough for a future credit. I have faith in them but i care more about my own money then i trust in BG3 that it will happen just because we carelessly make use of our hard earned cash!

    and i´m against lucas-ing anything. Not just BG related ;)
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    Fair enough. For you. But I think it is fair to say that BG2:EE will have some return. Number 1 being bug fixes and a more stable engine. Just sayin.

    and ain't it a shame what Lucas did to his name? There was a point where people thought he was a God among men. Now look at him. I am SOOO happy that Star Wars 7 will be handled by someone else.
  • RhymeRhyme Member Posts: 190
    edited February 2013
    Sorry, man. You're point isn't very clear (babaYaga). I still don't think I get it.

    I think this is what you're saying:

    You bought BG:EE to see how they did. You liked it enough that you have faith that BG3 will be good, but BG:EE wasn't different enough from the original BG1 to make you feel like it was worth the money. So if BG2:EE is going to be like BG:EE, you're not going to buy it. And you don't think that you should have to buy BG2:EE as a "show of support", because:
    1. You already showed your support with BG:EE
    2. You think that the "show of support" loyalty purchases aren't going to make a difference in whether or not BG3 gets made.

    Am I interpreting your post correctly?
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    edited February 2013
    I supported BGEE also with the thought in my backmind that I´m one of the many people who wants some of the oldschool flavor back where RPGs were "cool" and not just the dull rainbow colored mmo´s or whatever childish wannabes with a lil bit of blood. I could rant on and on how i think 99% of the games suck! My voice in form of a prepurchase was the only real thing i could do to show them support, because nothing else matters in the end of the month (bugreports and QA aside)...

    So yes point 1 is spot on and i hope that BG2EE will be succesfull and that BG3 will get made.

    And no i´m not disapointed with BGEE. There is just one thing that i dont understand but i already talked about it... gnoll stronghold ;)

    But lets face it. We all have different views on what we really like and what everyone would love to see added or improved
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    My vote is to cut some content. At any time in BG2 I have like eight active quests! This is unacceptable, what am I supposed to do? Help Jaheira with her curse? Discover what's going on in Trademeet? Save Mazzy in Umar Hills? Help Jan's old girlfriend? Destroy the crazy Eyeless zealots? Search the Harper hold for Monty? Or help Anomen become a knight? And let's not forget Imoen...It's exhausting being a spawn of Bhaal.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    @Delvarian, understand that people don't want an on the rails "Do this thing next..." adventure out of an RPG. At least most players don't. Certainly I don't.

    Baldur's gate hits that happy medium between being a total sandbox and being a rigid and structured adventure. And that is one of it's strengths in my mind. there is a decent amount of structure, but once you escape from the dungeon, up to the point where you go to spellhold, you are supposed to have a bunch of different things that you can potentially do.

    all imho.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    Eh, I think I detect sarcasm...
  • LuigirulesLuigirules Member Posts: 419
    ghostowl said:

    I know that a lot of other people on this thread have said the same thing as you...but there's actually a LOT of people who thought BGEE itself didnt have enough improvements and therefore did not buy it and chose to pirate or ignore.

    Are you serious?

    Someone would say "Hrm...this game isn't very good. Oh well, better steal it!"

    I will never understand people trying to justify software theft...
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  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    Yes sorry I was kidding, I believe BG2 is an amazing game as is and needs very little done to it. When I play the original games I run at least two mods on BG1 minimum (tutu and NPC project). I play BG2 vanilla 9 times out of ten. Fixing bugs is all that really needs done, any little extra such as added NPCs and content is just icing on the cake of goodness.
  • iam1iam1 Member Posts: 43
    Delvarian said:

    My vote is to cut some content. At any time in BG2 I have like eight active quests! This is unacceptable, what am I supposed to do? Help Jaheira with her curse? Discover what's going on in Trademeet? Save Mazzy in Umar Hills? Help Jan's old girlfriend? Destroy the crazy Eyeless zealots? Search the Harper hold for Monty? Or help Anomen become a knight? And let's not forget Imoen...It's exhausting being a spawn of Bhaal.

    Less is more! in fact, could probably cut the size of the game down immensely by removing ToB and just fighting a hugely nerfed Irenicus at the end of his dungeon.
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