So what's the hype around Jaheira IN BG1 ? (yes in BG1)

I cannot understand the interest of playing with Jaheira (part the fact she is romanceable in BG2).
She's a good character (for healing spells) at the beginning of the game, but when Viconia, Branwen and above all others Yeslick are available, she becomes completely pointless.
It's a good thing that her stats have been bolstered in BG2 because her BG1 stats are real crap.
So let's face the facts :
- She has an annoying voiceset
- She has poor strength (15 => She'll need the gloves of strength or the new belt).
- she has poor dexterity (14 => She'll need the gloves of dexterity : they are in the same slot as the strength gloves... good thing that new belt...).
- She has poor Wisdom (14 => too low ; no bonus slots).
Good stats : constitution : 17.
I can't see, except the fact she is good looking in BG2 why there''s so much hype around her when other priests, druids, fighter/clerics exist in this game...
EDIT : Corrected her stats in BG1.
She's a good character (for healing spells) at the beginning of the game, but when Viconia, Branwen and above all others Yeslick are available, she becomes completely pointless.
It's a good thing that her stats have been bolstered in BG2 because her BG1 stats are real crap.
So let's face the facts :
- She has an annoying voiceset
- She has poor strength (15 => She'll need the gloves of strength or the new belt).
- she has poor dexterity (14 => She'll need the gloves of dexterity : they are in the same slot as the strength gloves... good thing that new belt...).
- She has poor Wisdom (14 => too low ; no bonus slots).
Good stats : constitution : 17.
I can't see, except the fact she is good looking in BG2 why there''s so much hype around her when other priests, druids, fighter/clerics exist in this game...
EDIT : Corrected her stats in BG1.
Post edited by Aasimar069 on
I'm not keen on her myself, though, I find her annoying and miss the Cleric spells that Druids don't get, I prefer Viconia (or even a dualed Xzar) or Branwen (later replacing with Yeslick), depending on alignment.
I agree that her voice is somewhat annoying, or rather that one spesific selection line she has is, but it's not so horrible it makes her unusable. And while it certainly isn't to my taste, her voice set IS a matter of taste, so stating it is annoying as "fact" isn't right.
All that said, I don't feel she's any more or less important than any other companion you can have along. Personally I tend to have her and Khalid along simply because it's convenient (they're available right off the bat) and they fit nicely in my all-purpose adventurer way of doing things which means doing most quests and thus getting a high reputation. The fact I get them early on also means I can mold them with levelups, picking proficiencies and hp rolls rather than have the game automatically assign those for me, like with so many other companions.
BG has a vast roster of recruitable companions (though I'd like even more, heh) so I can't imagine anyone feels the need to pick Jaheira or anyone else for that matter. If people are still picking her, it's just a matter of taste, and there's nothing wrong with that.
In short: It's because she's a woman.
You stick Khalid on a mob, and Jaheira can use the quarterstaff's (quarterstaves?) reach to plunk away without much danger. Or, you just build her with a club/scimitar and shield build and she will quickly and easily reach a deep negative AC rating, coupled with a high base CON score...easily become a sticky tank character herself. Now that there are two amazing strength increasing items, it is child's play to have all your melee with 18+ strength, so the fact her Str score isn't godly means nothing to me. She gets the boons of being a fighter, has access to two of the strongest weapon types in the game, multiple builds, and you get her at the start of the game so you can build her however you want.
She has access to Druid only spells which just get better and better as the levels progress, she has plenty of spells available even though her Wisdom isn't through the roof, can get a ring early on (if you don't pair her up with a pure divine caster, like Viconia or Branwen, which is a legit strategy) which gives her even more casts. So I'm a bit stumped how she can be 'not good' at casting spells when she can heal, crowd control, buff, debuff, summon, and protect perfectly fine.
Khalid and Jaheira have been my only melee with difficulty maxed with SCS/Hard Times/Improved Spawns. In BG:EE, you almost want to handicap the Harpers to give the monsters a chance because they
And not everyone hates her personality, so I wouldn't call it a fact but an opinion. Other than her selection dialogue which is kinda rough, I like the militant Druid 'If a tree falls in the forest...I'll kill the bastard who done it,' attitude.
Against Marl, Karlat, and Neira (I used it a long time ago !).
That's all ;-)
I always play with Khalid in my party, but hell no, good thing you can break the pair !
Khalid's stats are too good for letting Jaheira do the spellcasting :-)
High end spell (I might mistake a level 3 and level 5 spell) for Baldur's Gate, the game where mages are a joke.
EDIT : Call Woodland Being is very good, but keeping jaheira and all her drawbacks for this is too much for me.
I'd rather play my own druid / multiclassed or dual-classed.
And a Cleric can't do any of those spells I listed, that's why they are called Druid only. (Not that I'm saying Clerics suck, far from it. I love their Cleric only spells, like Command, Sanc combined with Silence, DUHM, etc..)
Hold person ?
I don't have the list available on my eyes.
I haven't played SCS yet -and this is a Fan mod, not the official game (waiting for a BG:EE version) because I was always worried of the fact there might be annoying bugs (my previous version of BG are not in English).
Therefore, in offical BG, mages are a joke. Nobody can argue with that.
I guess that even in SCS, unless they are adding spells to mages that were not available before (and that's cheating for me - even with a mod !), if they don't have protection from normal missile, even with their improved AI, I can pummel them with arrows quite easily.
No stoneskin for mages in Bg1 (otherwise that's cheating also).
Yeah, it's clear you haven't played SCS. I don't mean that as an insult, but you have the disdain towards Mages only someone who hasn't played it can have. I won't ruin the surprise for you, but come back to this thread after fighting some on a harder difficulty with SCS installed. You'll sing my tune, just watch. ;P
-they are clerics, not druids
-you usually meet them later in the game, whereas Jaheira is one of the first npcs available. So it's understandable that people can become attached to those npcs whom they had from the start, invested into them and don't want to swap them for some strangers.
-for roleplaying reasons she is more plot relevant, being a friend of Gorion and a Harper And that is very good reason too - her stats in BG2 are solid. From your perspective. She actually has 15 strength. And she's not your main tank or dps dealer anyway. Gets to 17 in BG2. Give her a few tomes of Wisdom, you know you don't actually need them for yourself. She's a solid character, both combat wise and story wise.
That's news to me.
Since she isn't romanceable (unless EE changed that - romances didn't originally exist in BG1), I really can't think of any particularly good reason to keep her or Khalid in the long run, as there are far better characters available to fill their roles.
-> "Give her a few tomes of Wisdom, you know you don't actually need them for yourself."
No ! Yeslick needs them ! He'll have more spells / level (and 4th level top of that with 19 in wisdom !)
So stop thinking that everyone has god heritage and min-max scores and play with what you are given.
To me the rules are made to represent a believable world. I am not excited by the mechanics themselves. In real life, most people are not specialised in performing a limited number of tasks perfectly, too.
I see it this way: Do you use the mechanics to play the game, or do you use the game to play the mechanics?
Concerning why she's so used comes probably from the fact that some players only discovered BG1 after BG2 so they've taken her only because of this.
For me, Minsc is rubbish in BG1, because he's 15 con and 15 dex only. In BG2, with his 16 con and dex, he's already more appealing ;-)
But I clearly see your point ;-)
EDIT : i don't want a Jaheira with maxed stats ;-)
I'd rather have a Jaheira with stats relevant with her class ;-)
No wonder why people are making Xzar a Cleric since he has better wisdom that a NPC supposed to cast divine spells as her main feature.
Lastly, she doubles as a cleric anyways, because the makers went and gave her raise dead. You don't even need a cleric with Jaheira in your party because she basically fulfills basic cleric and druid rolls.