Blunt/Piercing/Slashing THAC0 bonus/penalties vs. non-armoured enemies?

Hi - I know that Blunt/Piercing/Slashing weapons get different bonus/penalties to hit versus different types of armour (there's a good visual indication of the effects here: ), but how does this work with enemies that aren't wearing armour, but have a natural AC? Is the AC bonus/penalty always +0?
BTW I'm not asking a question about *resistance* to different weapon types (e.g. skeletons are highly resistant to piercing damage), which affects damage, rather any THAC0 bonus/penalty - is there anywhere to look this up?
Does blunt still usually get the best THAC0 vs/ most enemies, not just those wearing armour?
BTW I'm not asking a question about *resistance* to different weapon types (e.g. skeletons are highly resistant to piercing damage), which affects damage, rather any THAC0 bonus/penalty - is there anywhere to look this up?
Does blunt still usually get the best THAC0 vs/ most enemies, not just those wearing armour?
So against an enemy without armour all weapons are equally effective, unless the enemy has some kind of resistance or an AC modifier (e.g. from a weapon or an item).
The bonus/penalty is entirely determined by the armour. So it is better to say that different armours get bonuses/penalties to AC, rather than weapons getting bonuses/penalties to hit.
To answer you question, an unarmoured creature gets no special bonus or penalites against any of the weapon types.
If I understand correctly, despite the name "Immunity to projectile", this will only make them immune to webs as the projectile type is "webtrav". However, I'm just guessing and I didn't test it in game, so I may be wrong. Maybe someone with more modding experience can confirm if this is indeed the case.