Clerics & Thiefs Thac0 and HP progression

This is something I never understood about the AD&D rules (if BG uses them correctly).
Why has the Cleric better Thac0 and HP progression than the Tief ?
The Cleric:
- Cast Spells (lots of strong buffs making him even a better fighter)
- Can wear heavy Armor
- Cannot use Blade weapons
The Tief:
- Can backstab (as soon as hide & co is high enough to use it well)
- Has Traps (1 per 5 level's, powertrapping aside, because cheese, [needs to be leveled as well])
- Find traps and open locks (nice to have, but traps are not that bad, and for important chests knock spell does it as well)
- Detected Illusions (nice to have, if you can speare the points)
- limited weapon selection too
- Only light Armors
So why has the Thief even the lower Thac0 and HP progression ?
I think it would make more sense to let the Thief have the better Thac0 and HP gain right ?
Or is there something I overlooked. For me it even makes more sense from the ruleplaying part.
Why has the Cleric better Thac0 and HP progression than the Tief ?
The Cleric:
- Cast Spells (lots of strong buffs making him even a better fighter)
- Can wear heavy Armor
- Cannot use Blade weapons
The Tief:
- Can backstab (as soon as hide & co is high enough to use it well)
- Has Traps (1 per 5 level's, powertrapping aside, because cheese, [needs to be leveled as well])
- Find traps and open locks (nice to have, but traps are not that bad, and for important chests knock spell does it as well)
- Detected Illusions (nice to have, if you can speare the points)
- limited weapon selection too
- Only light Armors
So why has the Thief even the lower Thac0 and HP progression ?
I think it would make more sense to let the Thief have the better Thac0 and HP gain right ?
Or is there something I overlooked. For me it even makes more sense from the ruleplaying part.
You don't take a thief for their prowess in battle, but rather for their utility. Also, in PnP priest classes were limited by spheres as far as spell selection was concerned, and could lose access to their spells if they behaved in a manner that offended their deity.
Maybe having more spell restrictions would even out the problem, but to me it feels not very balanced.
And there are already warrior-priests (Paladin)
Paladins are more warrior-priest, clerics are priest-warrior.
Thieves are taken for their special skills in and out of combat.
And it's not supposed to be balanced.
Base THACO of a priest at level 22 : 6
That's a maximum 4 difference in THACO (Note that a hidden character attempting a backstab has +4 bonus to thaco)
Moreover, Thieves level up quicker :
Level 21 Thief requires 2420000 xp
At 2420000 xp, your cleric will be level 18-19 and have a THACO of 8.
Long Story Short : Both their thacos suck anyway compared to fighters, so don't bother too much
It still would fell more natural to me the other way.
And for all that, thieves do have a slightly easier experience table. So even if their combat progression is slower than the cleric's, they will eventually be a level or so higher with the same experience. So any differences will be very small.
If you do want to get stuck in then either Swashbucklers or Fighter/Thief Multis or Duals are good at it and more or less entirely lose the sucky THAC0 progression.
Exhibit B:
Besides, you missed a bunch of stuff.
A cleric is limited by being the mouth piece of his/her Deity. They are limited not only by the armor/weapons of that Deity, but they must always function in the Deity's interests, agenda. If they don't they don't get spells. "Some" DMs would even limit or dictate what spells they can choose. And if you strayed from the Alignment/ethos of that Deity, you got slapped pretty hard. All of these are "Limitations" that don't translate in CRPG (more is the pity).
Also, as has been indicated, Thieves in PnP get more than what is present in BG. And "Just being able to find/remove traps" is HUGE in PnP. It is an absolutely vital function. CRPG traps are designed to be a nuisance, not really that deadly. The CRPG is more about longevity and continuing the adventure. In PnP, the ability to remove that trap "Might" must mean the life or death of one or more party members.
So in the final analysis, Clerics are more "RP" restricted and that is intended to be more of a handicap. In CRPG, a Paladin (as for example) can happily massacre a village of innocents. Not so in PnP. And Clerics are just as, if not more so, restricted. Thieves, on the other hand were never intended to be front liners. They are there for all of the other side stuff like exploring or opening chests and traps.
For all of that, playing BG, my party thief is ALWAYS one of the most valuable party members. He/she doesn't always get a high body count. But I can't tell you how often I have used one to scout out the coming battle and return essential intelligence that can turn the tide of battle. So don't look at them as having to be fighters with some extra skills. Look at them as performing a vital role that would be hard to mimic with any other class. Unique in their own right.
And those can be the sort of things no one even foresees when they're all doing character creation. Like someone making their cleric a follower of a healing god because it seems most useful, and then having to defend the deity's oracle later on even if a better paying mission is available too.
Fun stuff. That's one of my favorite things about PNP.
A cleric in my party once got in a fist fight/brawl in a bar. he was wearing Girdle of giant strength and hit some random patron. DOA. The cleric paid for that. Had to do a penance that lasted the entire next adventure. Sucked to be without healing for that long.
I have some pretty fond thief memories too, but my favorite was actually a fighter/thief my wife played for several years, she played her as a military scout. Maybe almost like a Ranger, but sneakier. She loved finding sniper perches or getting into places she didn't belong, all in the interest of "information gathering" of course.