91 000 XP

You get 91 000 XP for killing Bodhi but only 36 000 for Demogorgon. The XPs given for these opponents seem mixed up, if you ask me. Demogorgon is a much more powerful and difficult opponent than Bodhi while the XPs given is but a third.
Does anybody knows why the XPs are set as they are?
On the other hand, 91k xp is way too much for a single creature, and the character who dealt the killing blow will forever have 'most powerful vanquished:Bodhi' while Bodhi is a danger if you do not have negative plane protection, she does not deserve that high xp reward. (Tactics and SCSII's improved Bodhi on the other hand, actually kinda deserves that xp for she has a lot of nasty and cool magical abilities and immunity to most effects vs undead)
Counter arguement:Bodhi is a recurring villain, you get to fight her and make her retreat quite a lot of times. (Once when working for Shadow Thieves, then again in Spellhold) and even in her final shodown she gets a second wind (yelling:No! This life is mine! I am not sure if it's in vanilla game, though) Besides vampires are particularly hard to deal with permanently, so in the end when you destroy her for good, you may get the multiple amounts of xp she deserves. (Until she turns up in Ascension battle, does she give 91k xp there? Not that it actually is relevant at that point)
Perhaps I should rename the thread: “Why only 36 000 XP for Demogorgon?”
(sorry for the bad format, something happened to the quote)
Seems overhaul want to keep up this tradition for the enhanced editions too
LOL. I guess Ol' Demo- needs to get a better agent.
You get a bunch of quest XP for completing the WK, that’s right, but you still only get 36 000 XP for beating Demogorgon himself. Considering how hard this guy is to kill compared to other enemies, I say 91 000 XP is more appropriate than 36 000. Anyhow, I don’t know, perhaps @ajwz and @Lapa are right, the XP rewards are inconsistent.
The Real Demogorgon is significantly more deadly then one you face in Watcher's keep, even if they are of similar toughness. Most notably, his mere touch causes the flesh of the target to rot away and fall to pieces if a restoration spell isn't cast within 3 rounds, and specifically by-passes all known forms of protection, and if the target isn't protected from negative energy he also drains 8 levels per hit, instead of 4 like the BG version does. He also summons A LOT more demons, 1d6 per round, with no known limit, randomly picked from all demon types. Spams charm and insanity gaze every round, and creatures with less then 18 HD don't get a save.