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A trap i can't disarm

Well i found in durlags tower a trap i cant disarm. i have 100 Trap find skills and even using potions to increase it i wont be able to disarm a trap. is that normal? and is there any way to disarm it?


  • seawiedseawied Member Posts: 24
    You need to buy the Wardstone in Ulgolth's beard to avoid setting them off.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    I think the trap on the alter where you get the tome of wisdom is impossible to remove, even with the wardstones.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    There are many, many traps in Durlag's Tower. Some specifics, like what level and room, would help.
  • GaNoNGaNoN Member Posts: 151

    Its the one on the 3-4th floor i think its like an altar. (white)
  • ErinneErinne Member Posts: 151
    I'm not sure if that one is disarmable (I couldn't do it either on my thief with 100 find traps). However, all it does is cast Dire Charm on whoever sets it off, so you can send in one party member (not your main though), and if they don't make their save, just wait until the charm wears off.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    Is the room where outside there are 4 pillars, each with a potion. When you enter the room you are trapped in and surrounded by gas?
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    The trap bigdogchris means is actually 2 traps. There is one in the doorway, one on the statue. The one in the doorway can be disarmed, the other is not a regular trap; it goes off in intervals. As far as I know, that one can't be disarmed and you have to run in, grab the stone, and run out before it goes off again. (I'm near it in my current run, with Monty at 100 trap skill and spare potions, gonna try to disarm it.)
    Outside that room are 5 traps; 4 are really tiny in pillars. I sometimes have trouble to find the "northern" one with the cursor, but zooming in helps. The 5th is in the middle of the room. All can be disarmed.

    There is an altar room with no enemies in it. Not sure if it's white. I think it can be disarmed, but not sure. Gonna try when I get there.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Interval trap on statue can be disarmed with 100 in Detect Traps, no potions. (Same for the other 6 traps in that room). Moving on to altar.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Altar trap (2nd upper level, behind Rigollo) - 120 trap disarm, not disarmed. (Not charmed either in several attempts, and Monty doesn't wear anything boosting saving throws.)
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    Monty is a Halfling - shorty saves ftw. You can get charmed from it. Send in one NPC alone, pick up tome, go make some tea. It will have worn off by the time you get back
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756

    Altar trap (2nd upper level, behind Rigollo) - 120 trap disarm, not disarmed.

    I confirm that this trap cannot be disarmed no matter how much skill points in Find Traps you have (checked with NI).
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