Stat Rolling Suggestion

I know that a major part of the metagame was sitting there and rerolling stats until you got really good stats but there should be in consideration the ability to set a rule where only one set is rolled and the player can distribute those points as he sees fit. This would likely be used in a multiplayer game where the intention is to make things more 'authentic' and to shorten character gen time. This should not replace the original method but be added as an option for the one hosting the game.
As for your suggestion, I have always felt that rolling a thousand times until you get perfect stats is an exploit, but I realize that my opinion is different than some in that I'm familiar with the D&D rules and many people that play Baldur's Gate are only familiar with D&D through BG. Anyway, a lot of possibilities pertaining to this have been brought up in the aforementioned discussion.
I guess for it to be totally authentic, they would also need to remove that barrier, but then again, I tried creating a character with dice rolling in real life, the total stats number I got was around ~50, which is kind of bad XD
I would also agree with the Weighted Point Buy system to be added. I think it was done similarly in Temple of Elemental Evil (with the difference that rerolled stats could be set in whichever combination you wanted)
The number for allocatable stats is a big question though. Maybe something around 80 total? (you start with all abilities on 10, you can lower them or raise them. You have 20 points to choose, essentially meaning you could as well have one 18 and two 16, while the rest is on 10)
Granted that's only something I'd be willing to do after my first play through after I've played what I really wanted.
And if you want to play hardcore, there is always the possibility of an Ironman mode.
In multiplayer games, it seems more of an issue of playing with people who approach the game in the same way you do. If you want to forbid them from rerolling because you have a game in mind where everyone is average, you may want to forbid certain overpowered class combinations as well, and so on.
I understand that different challenge levels are appropriate for different people, but what I don't get is believing that rolling until you achieve perfect stats is any different than using an editor to change them directly or using the console to cheat in the appropriate tomes, etc. There is no difference. Which is why I see this as a cheat/exploit. As long as people aren't convincing themselves otherwise, then I don't have a problem with people playing the game in whatever way makes them happy, up to and including consoling in the infamous killsword (that does ~1000 points of damage) and giving your party enough XP to start the game at max level.
My issue is that the system as it exists now leads some people to believe that the game is balanced to allow for rolling perfect stats, when I don't believe that that was really the original intention.
This is just my opinion, and I can see that many people obviously disagree with me, but what I personally would prefer is a balanced point buy system for attributes. And for those that really want to get perfect stats, they're more than welcome to do so via a character editor or the console. Alternatively, a point buy system could be introduced at least as an option for those that preferred it... @SirBuliwyf Just to clarify, is this question in reference to the suggestion in the original post? If so, he said you could still redistribute your stats as you saw fit, so having a fighter and then rolling those stats would be fine as you could just redistribute them to reverse them w/out needing to re-roll... or did I misunderstand what you were asking?
That being said, we should likely just agree to disagree if necessary as we seem to be arguing semantics here ourselves. Not to mention that there will almost definitely not be any new attribute selection system implemented anyway so ultimately I'll just have to continue to accept the system as it is now.
@niklas I see your point. The reason I call these things (and things such as making a character with 3 INT due to the game not actually accounting for low INT with any downside whatsoever) exploits is because I see them as taking advantage of a limitation of the system rather than original intent. As with everything else on this discussion, this just seems to be a simple difference of opinion in terminology more than anything else.
1. Beginner character that would be created using current system
2. Advanced character, where only one roll could be made, although stats could be distributed freely (I don't know if its in ADD2, but in DD3 if character has an avarage skill less than 13, stats should be re-rolled).
3. Hardcore character - the same as in point 2, but with some additional limitations to saves etc.
@jaysl659 Assuming the Ipad version will have access to the console. Not to mention, having to learn to use the clua console (or using shadowkeeper) to overcome limited/excessive rolling seems like a bad solution. But a simple check box... Gosh, if all checkboxes we fans ask for gets implemented the option interface is gonna be impossible to navigate ^^*.