Barbarian >>> Spell Failed: Casting Failure

This cheese has got to stop! I'm playing Barb and I failed to "cast" rage because i was hit....LOL
I love Baldurs Gate Series. It's definitely the best RPG of all times for me. But things like this ruin all its credibility.
I love Baldurs Gate Series. It's definitely the best RPG of all times for me. But things like this ruin all its credibility.
I bet they're still buggy because few people play Barbarians.
Hulking Barbarian: "I was just can't get into character with all these distractions. Do you have any idea how hard it is to throw caution and reason to the winds and tap into the primal Id at my very core?" *Wangst*
I think it's a mattter of setting the casting time to 0.
otherwise it'd be barbarian sulk