Nextbook 7 inch tablet release of the game?

Hello i just got back from South East Asia - I live in one of the Rich Asia countries... and bought a Nextbook 7 inch screen tablet...,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41867550,d.aGc&biw=1680&bih=963&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=zZ4QUY_yOOyziQepqYHYCQ#imgrc=y80Cqij-Fx73hM:;-SpPDB6LWw3yoM;;;2000;2000
I belive it is related to the "nook'
anyhow I did not read any post that stated it would work for this... some said it would be for the "Nexus" whatever that is...
Will it work on a Nextbook?
When will it be released?
I have the PC version so I assume on it's android release I just connect online with my nextbook and download the game right?
How hard will it be to take a save file or character file and put that on my laptop? and vice versed?,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41867550,d.aGc&biw=1680&bih=963&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=zZ4QUY_yOOyziQepqYHYCQ#imgrc=y80Cqij-Fx73hM:;-SpPDB6LWw3yoM;;;2000;2000
I belive it is related to the "nook'
anyhow I did not read any post that stated it would work for this... some said it would be for the "Nexus" whatever that is...
Will it work on a Nextbook?
When will it be released?
I have the PC version so I assume on it's android release I just connect online with my nextbook and download the game right?
How hard will it be to take a save file or character file and put that on my laptop? and vice versed?
The release date is yet to be set, the latest news from Trent's twitter says it will be longer then 10 days from now...
If you own the PC version you will have to re-buy the game for android. Because of license issues they have to treat BGEE as a separate games on each platform, and therefor you have to buy it separately for each platform.
You will easily be able to transfer save file between each platform, at the moment you will have to do it manually, but they will be implementing cross-platform cloud sharing of save games once they release it to all platforms.
Have a look at this thread on how to do it, ie Crystarks Post at the bottom -
Also Trent somewhere said that there will be a way in the future to automatically do this somehow but its not done yet. so the above method works very well for now.
We have it running here in a Nexus 7 it is currently in QA. Scott's playing with the Xoom right now.
Trent Oster @TrentOster 11 Apr
The Nexus 10 uses the new Mali processor, which according to their documenation does not support DXTC or PVRTC, so, probably.
ok I have no clue what kind of operating sestem Nexus 7 uses... I do know I bought China made garbage Next Boook 7 for 180 dollars that runs on "android Icecream 4.3" I think it is 4.3.... I also know that when I have tried to download some silly free android apps games it says my version is not compatable... so I am assuming my 7 inch China Kung Fu Tablet is not strong enough to take on Bladurs Gate Enhanced Android... am I wrong?
also waht is the word on transfering files? In theory I could plug my usb coed into my computer and put a save game file on my tablet from my computer game... however weather or not that is compatable is unknown... but all that deatil is superfiluos if there is no China Kung Fu Next Book Style challenge for my Nextbook 7....
Trent may be making some cash on this android and the other desktop reboot.... but I think he deserves a break after this.... maybe go on a cruise and keel haul Ghost Crawler on a yacht trip... that guy wrecked my warrior after the burning crusade