Charm/sleep resistance vs shorty saves

Which is better? The shorties get a nice save vs. spell, does that mean they eventually is more resistant to sleep/charm spells than elves?
(I think about rolling an assassin, either an elf or a halfling)
(I think about rolling an assassin, either an elf or a halfling)
Dwarf & halfling saves include a save vs. death bonus as well as spells and wands which is even better.
Halflings get better racial thieving bonuses, but can't have 18 starting strength. Both elves and halflings can have 19 Dex.
I prefer elves for Assassins, as if not playing a multi or dual thief, they need all the THAC0 help that they can get!
- Halfling + tome (STR 18) = THAC0 + 1 DMG +2
- Elf + tome (STR 19) + sword bonus = THAC0 + 4 DMG +7 (add backstab multiplier and die)
Even if the Halfling get the Gauntlets of Ogre Power 18/00, the elf could use the same space for some of the gauntlets giving ekstra THAC0...
Ranged: Darts+poison : That is a VERY effective way to interrupt a spellcaster
Throwing daggers can also be effective if you have high Strength, as have 2 APR and add the strength damage bonus (unlike darts), though there are no magic ones in BGEE, and in BG2 vanilla throwing daggers don't get the strength damage bonus (only throwing axes do), though this might change in BG2EE (hope so!)
It does appear to stack with your level bonuses.
And Elves gaining +1 with all swords is a known bug as well (only supposed to be Long/Short swords and Longbows, not 2hd swords, bastard swords, scimitars/wakazashi/ninja-to, katana, and daggers)
Halflings have higher minimum racial stats, so are slightly easier to roll for than gnomes, however.
BTW if stillwanting to go the elf route, the Greenstone Amulet will make many saves vs. spell unnecessary...
NB: Racial Thieving skill bonuses can be compared here:
As you can see, halflings get the best hide in shadows/move silently bonuses (which are the important ones for an assassin), even before you take Dex into account. Gnomes are better with traps and detect illusions. Also, if going the gnome route, I'm always tempted to take illusionist/thief (CG - with Fairy Dragon familiar) instead of a pure class thief/assassin, as that combo rocks!