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My Wishlist

JarlJarl Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 101

During my time of BG-modding some wishes for a overhauled BG came up. So, here they are :)


- "KilledByParty()" (self-explanatory, i think)

- "PartyHasItemFlag(*ITEMFLAG)" - for example: "PartyHasItemFlag(STOLEN)"


- CreateCreatureAwake() - A CreateCreature, that uses the Awake-Sequence of the creature's animation for spawning, which would look very nice for elementals and undeads.

- CreateCreatureFadeIn() - A CreateCreature, that makes the creature fade in from transparency 100% to 0%, so it would be very useful for ghosts, shadows and so on...

- DestroySelfFadeOut() - the opposite of above

- New actions for any kind of flag activation/deactivation (SetItemFlag(), SetCreatureFlag(), SetAreaFlag() and so on)

- PlaySong() doesn't work as it should in areas, where area-songs are already implemented in the .ARE. This should be fixed.

- AmbientActivation() (which is for area-animations) doesn't work as it should. It often doesn't start with the first frame and the animations are played some kind of stuttery.
There also should be similar actions for the rest of area-contents, like sound-ambients, songs, actors and so on.

Other features:

- Please make the engine work with high quality sounds & songs (HQ-versions of the original songs are on the soundtrack-CD). Maybe you could even enable compatibility with .ogg-files or .mp3?

- area-songs shouldn't be interrupted and aborted when saving the game or entering a building. (like it is in IWD2)

- in BG1 creatures could be knocked out in a fistfight and were lying on the ground then for a while, but in BG2 this feature is buggy, so knocked out people get up again immediately. This should be fixed.

- Area-overlays, like for water, do not look very tasty... maybe you could do something with anti-aliasing or similar effects here?

- Will you modify, how spells are linked in the spell.ids, so the number of spells per spell-level gets unlimited?

- Will you modify the race.ids, so the number of races gets unlimited?

- There is still a relic of silver coins (imisc08.bam) in the IE-games. Will you change the money-system of the game, so there are not only golden coins, but silver and copper ones too?

- Can you add the possibility to change in-game the Bastardsword from one-handed to two-handed and vice versa as written in the item's description?

- Please add all these fire- and candle-animations from BG2 to BG1.

And of course i can't wait to hold a boxed copy of BGEE in my hands :)



  • JarlJarl Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 101
    Oh, one thing i forgot: Can you restore the area weather effect "fog"?
  • AlequeAleque Member Posts: 149
    My wishlist is:
    More of Xzar & Montharon
    Better graphics and interface
    More streamlined inventory
    More voiceacting
  • JarlJarl Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 101
    And... of course: Much more dual class combinations (for Bards, Druids, Barbarians, Sorcerers...)
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    Hi @Jarl,

    several things from the OP have already been requested, mainly through ToBEx bugfixes and ToBEx features.

    For the developers' convenience, it is advisable to keep requests as atomized as possible (i.e. one request per thread). I especially suggest posting the fistfight bug in the Bugs forum, since the devs are currently working on bug fixes.

    It strikes me as peculiar that you would ask for higher sound quality and .mp3 support in the same sentence, as though the two could possibly be related in any way ;-) Higher quality music and sound effects have been requested here, btw.
  • JarlJarl Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 101

    i started new topics in the bugs-subforum.
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