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how much of a revamp is this?

TazokTazok Member Posts: 34
Sorry if this is a noob question, I didnt see it in asked in the FAQ or any of the other threads I looked through, Will the graphics be redone completely(3D), or just fixed so they can be played at higher resolutions?
Cant wait for this, it feels like this is the year to relive my childhood with diablo 3 and now this coming out haha.


  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    I think that the most proper answer is:
    What are some improvements we will see with Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition?

    1) Improved user interface. The old Baldur's Gate interface was created around 640x480 resolution. We are going in and re-writing the UI system to work for multiple larger resolutions and we are using the iPad 3 (at 2048x1536) as one of our target resolutions.
    2) Convert the graphics completely over to OpenGL. By using the hardware present in all devices, we can run BG at higher resolutions and run it faster and smoother that it ever could before.
    3) The addition of the ability to zoom in and out dynamically during gameplay.
    4) Expanding platforms that it will be available on.
    5) Expanding language base available.
    Or in short, Higher Resolution ;-)

  • SirBuliwyfSirBuliwyf Member Posts: 137
    I think it also includes bug fixes, finishing off content that was cut from the original due to time constrains and depending on approval adding a few new bits of content, quests items and possibly a character or two. That what I gather from Oster's tweets anyway.
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    and goblins.
  • recursEvrecursEv Member Posts: 1
    Do we know if they are going to be doing anything like having a section for active/completed quests instead of just a journal log?
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    The game will be using the BG2/ToB engine, so its likely that the Journal will also be using the BG2 format.
  • neleotheszeneleothesze Member Posts: 231
    edited July 2012
    I think that the most proper answer is:
    What are some improvements we will see with Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition?

    Or in short, Higher Resolution ;-)

    Wasn't higher resolution available with the Widescreen mod?

    I hope (since they are talking about "zooming in and out" that the models will somehow look better when zooming as well but I think I saw it mentioned in another post that they won't be making new models because that would mean new models for everything and that would mean missing the September deadline.

    So how is it? Will we just be able to zoom in and see pixelated images?
    Post edited by neleothesze on
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited July 2012
    Yeah, it is available through the widescreen mod.

    They will upscale things, but don't expect to notice any difference.

    It just won't look pixelated while zooming, since if you make a 1920x1080 resolution and zoom in, the game will practically show you the models in a lower resolution ( aka bigger).

    Unfortunetely we won't see new models :/
  • IkonNavrosIkonNavros Member Posts: 227
    well, at least this seems then not to end in tiny characters anymore in higher resolution - if i got that point here right. I really wonder if that feature will be really possible.

    If yes, it would be great :)
  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    I think that the most proper answer is:
    [...]Or in short, Higher Resolution ;-)

    Wasn't higher resolution available with the Widescreen mod?
    I hope (since they are talking about "zooming in and out" that the models will somehow look better when zooming as well but I think I saw it mentioned in another post that they won't be making new models because that would mean new models for everything and that would mean missing the September deadline.
    So how is it? Will we just be able to zoom in and see pixelated images?

    The graphics will not be redone completely and this is definitely not a remake of Baldur's Gate, it is an enhanced edition that will run you all of $10, hardly enough to break the bank, and a great deal more than just higher resolution that is already available through the widescreen mod, so I (and I'm sure the dev team as well) would appreciate if people would stop spreading the misinformation that all the enhanced edition is is higher resolution support. As for why this is a ridiculous assertion, you may want to check out my response on the topic of things that the dev team can't do, which can be found here:
  • neleotheszeneleothesze Member Posts: 231
    edited July 2012
    jaysl659 said:

    Or in short, Higher Resolution ;-)

    Wasn't higher resolution available with the Widescreen mod?
    I hope (since they are talking about "zooming in and out" that the models will somehow look better when zooming as well but I think I saw it mentioned in another post that they won't be making new models because that would mean new models for everything and that would mean missing the September deadline.
    So how is it? Will we just be able to zoom in and see pixelated images?
    The graphics will not be redone completely and this is definitely not a remake of Baldur's Gate, it is an enhanced edition that will run you all of $10, hardly enough to break the bank, and a great deal more than just higher resolution that is already available through the widescreen mod, so I (and I'm sure the dev team as well) would appreciate if people would stop spreading the misinformation that all the enhanced edition is is higher resolution support. As for why this is a ridiculous assertion, you may want to check out my response on the topic of things that the dev team can't do, which can be found here:

    As you can see if you look a bit more closely, I was questioning the validity of the "just higher resolution" answer while showing that I had already read something on the topic..

    "I saw it mentioned in another post that they won't be making new models because that would mean new models for everything and that would mean missing the September deadline. [...]So how is it? Will we just be able to zoom in and see pixelated images?" (my words)
    As an example, I explained that expecting new models was unrealistic but I hoped that the game would still bring improvements because just having higher resolution, zooming in would look bad on the screen. Although my argument was partially invalidated by the following poster, it still didn't support the "BG:EE is just higher resolution" line of thought. :) I had no idea rhetorical questions were so out of fashion. :P

    I'd appreciate it if, before you start ranting on a topic and talking about "spreading misinformation and ridiculous assertions", you'd kindly check who you are quoting. Just so, you know, you don't accidentaly "spread misinformation" and people don't get offended. ;P
    Post edited by neleothesze on
  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    edited July 2012
    @neleothesze You've quite drastically misunderstood my post. I quoted mch202 (who was actually responding to a question specifically about graphics, but which could have been easily misunderstood, and also I've seen it suggested multiple times by several people that this EE is just higher resolution and nothing else), and then your response to him, to show the sort of interaction that I was trying to clear up. I did not @ your name for my post because I wasn't speaking to you. My post was meant to be informative, and when I said that certain people are spreading misinformation, I have no clue why you thought I meant you, I was referring to the comment that said that BG:EE was just higher resolution, which obviously wasn't made by you. Perhaps I should have been more clear as to the use of quoting your response, but as far as this is concerned:

    I'd appreciate it if, before you start ranting on a topic and talking about "spreading misinformation and ridiculous assertions", you'd kindly check who you are quoting. Just so, you know, you don't accidentaly "spread misinformation" and people don't get offended. ;P

    I certainly don't think I was ranting, and I wasn't referring to you as spreading misinformation. As far as "ridiculous assertions," I was referring to the fact that the aforementioned suggestion (that BG:EE is just higher resolution) is in fact a ridiculous assertion and that, if someone wants to see why, they can check the relevant post that I linked to. Yeah, I don't believe I spread any misinformation, nor did I in any way expect you to get offended.
    Post edited by ElectricMonk on
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    Im sorry If anyone misunderstood me, My reply was to a specific question:

    Tazok: "Will the graphics be redone completely(3D), or just fixed so they can be played at higher resolutions?"

    Me: "Or in short, Higher Resolution ;-)"

    This1 or This2?? This2 :)

  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    No it's not just higher resolution, the higher resolution part will be available through a widescreen mod, but not the upscaling and the other graphical tweaks they make.

    You won't notice differences on the art style and direction, since the models are the same, whatever tweaks they come up with. This doesn't mean you won't see enhanced graphics.

    You can be sure they'll use some magic to spice things up a bit.

    Hope this clears a bit things up.
  • IkonNavrosIkonNavros Member Posts: 227
    then lets hope for some powerful magic ;)
  • lordkimlordkim Member Posts: 1,063
    Im laughing sometimes, over the posts that people are making in here.. Their are expecting everything and some nothing at all..
    Ill have to say, that for 25 years or so ago, everybody had LP´s- Then came CD (compact discs). well everybody had the same arguments as a lot in here have. Why why why... Should i or should i not..
    Dont buy it if your not interrested... But ill give it a shot ;)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    lordkim said:

    Im laughing sometimes, over the posts that people are making in here.. Their are expecting everything and some nothing at all..
    Ill have to say, that for 25 years or so ago, everybody had LP´s- Then came CD (compact discs). well everybody had the same arguments as a lot in here have. Why why why... Should i or should i not..
    Dont buy it if your not interrested... But ill give it a shot ;)

    I'd be lying if I said I didn't have to google "LP" just to make sure you meant a record.
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