The Duchal Palace fight and the final battle (spoilers, naturally)

Since I'm not as fast as some people on these forums (finished EE twice already, someone said?? Damn...) I've got three games running but none past chapter 5. Now, I notice that the BG2 summoning limit applies. I gotta admit, that scares me a bit. I always used summons to stop the Greater Dopplegangers from killing the Grand Dukes, and also to keep Sarevok and his minions off me while I use archery and magic missile to finish him. So, you folks who've already been and done, tell me what alternative strategies you use to get past those fights? I don't wanna reload 3564647576 times. Thanks in advance....
Remove Fear + Bless + Chant + Haste + Protection from Evil 10' radius + Defensive Harmony + Improved Invisibilty on melee + any potions you think necessary + any cleric/mage/druid self buffs.
That lot will generally give you the extra THAC0, AC & attacks necessary to steamroll most fights. Also, make sure that any summons you do get are the best available. Animate Dead (cleric version) gives you pretty badass skeletons, and they can benefit from the buffs too.
Generally when I gear up for the fight I do what @Corvino indicated. Go in loaded for bear. Cast Bless, Prayer, Strength (potions), Defensive Harmony and haste on all party members, plus invis on any thieves/backstabbers in the group. Try to get as far in the room before the cut scene fires and then go full bore once it does. I haven't tried Chaos/Confusion, but I suspect it should work. And wand of Paralysis definitely should work.
I just kicked two or three, then the others started to flee.
Fortunately, they never went down the stairs in my playthrough since you can't go up and down during this fight.
i have read on this forum that this game breaking situation occured before patch 2011 or 2010.
Good thing they have fixed this...
Fun tip: Angelo's arrows of detonation can actually make his comrades attack him if they get caught in the blast radius. Last playthrough, a well-placed wand's worth of gnolls caused Angelo to unload a couple of arrows right at his own feet, and Tazok gibbed him shortly thereafter.