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two quick features -- UI related BG1

show gold in pickup sub-menu. On the normal screen when you open a chest or go for a corpse treasure, it doesnt show gold, which I am almost sure it used to in original bg. Not a big deal, but a nice little feature.

allow clicking unarmed (fist) in inventory screen -- especially for monk class. If Rasaad's going to be in the game, and we're leveling him up from 1, this needs to be. Love the new inventory screen stats. Lets let this feature work for Rasaad too.


  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    I'm not sure I understand you on the gold part. Do you mean, for example, if you're in the main game screen, and you click on the loot pile of a monster you killed to bring up a mini-inventory of the items in the pile, it doesn't show gold? That's weird, it does in my game.

    But yeah being able to select fists as a weapon in the inventory screen would be a small but nice tweak.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    I wouldn't mind a checkbox that sets the game to automatically loot gold when you view a corpse.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    What the UI doesn't currently do is show you how much gold you have, which I think is what @DinoDin was referring to.
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