Trouble with Multiplayer

in Multiplayer
Me and a few friends were trying to get a multiplayer game running!
However, with my Direct IP, the port was open, and even with my firewall was down. We would sit on our screens looking for up to 20/30 minutes waiting to get into the lobby, with no luck. We tried on all three of our computers. One of us doesnt have a Router however, so we thought we would just be able to play in there without having to set up the port. The one without the router uses a modem and ports to forward, its just a modem.
Regardless, are we doing something wrong? I would really try to avoid using outside programs such as Hamachi or Tuunglu.
However, with my Direct IP, the port was open, and even with my firewall was down. We would sit on our screens looking for up to 20/30 minutes waiting to get into the lobby, with no luck. We tried on all three of our computers. One of us doesnt have a Router however, so we thought we would just be able to play in there without having to set up the port. The one without the router uses a modem and ports to forward, its just a modem.
Regardless, are we doing something wrong? I would really try to avoid using outside programs such as Hamachi or Tuunglu.
What do you have against Hamachi?