Question about Spiritual hammer (I think..)
I remember a few months ago playing around, either on Vanilla or BG2 and could of sworn Spiritual Hammer or maybe Shillegah being able to be used as a ranged attack.
Am I crazy?? I'm pretty sure it was Spiritual Hammer but I may be wrong.. I just remember it being a cleric spell that is an enhanced weapon and you could attack with it as a ranged weapon. It isn't Melfs Minute Meteors I'm thinking of either....
Maybe my memory is whack..
Am I crazy?? I'm pretty sure it was Spiritual Hammer but I may be wrong.. I just remember it being a cleric spell that is an enhanced weapon and you could attack with it as a ranged weapon. It isn't Melfs Minute Meteors I'm thinking of either....
Maybe my memory is whack..
I do know for sure that Spiritual Hammer functions as a one-time ranged attack in Planescape:Torment, rather than as a summoned weapon of any type.
I believe Mordenkainen's Sword is ranged in IWD too but not Spiritual Hammer.
my memory sucks wow