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[(BGEE, BG2) Cosmetic bug] Summoned creature attack items (0813)

CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
edited August 2012 in Fixed
When you summon creatures, often times the tooltip on their attack in the quick bar is missing or has a random string (i.e. skull). This fix goes through the 'paws' of summoned creatures and gives them the name 'attack' so that they have a relevant tooltip in the qiuck bar.
// attack items used by summons should have actual strings instead of -1 or 'skull'
COPY_EXISTING ~basilg1.itm~ ~override~ // -1
~basilg2.itm~ ~override~ // -1
~basilg3.itm~ ~override~ // -1
~basill1.itm~ ~override~ // -1
~basill2.itm~ ~override~ // -1
~carrio1.itm~ ~override~ // -1
~ghast1.itm~ ~override~ // -1
~jellmu1.itm~ ~override~ // 14182
~ogre1.itm~ ~override~ // -1
~p1-4.itm~ ~override~ // 8777
~p1-8.itm~ ~override~ // 8777
~s1-8.itm~ ~override~ // 8777
~spidgi1.itm~ ~override~ // -1
~spidph1.itm~ ~override~ // -1
~spidsw1.itm~ ~override~ // -1
~wolfwi1.itm~ ~override~ // -1
~wolfwi2.itm~ ~override~ // -1
~wyvern1.itm~ ~override~ // -1
~wyvern2.itm~ ~override~ // -1
SAY NAME1 #10966
SAY NAME2 #10966
Post edited by Bhryaen on


  • BhryaenBhryaen Member Posts: 2,874
    hehehe This fix might've already been implemented- albeit incorrectly- if farmers became named Attack instead...
  • SethDavisSethDavis Member Posts: 1,812
    edited July 2012
    Checking this one now

    [EDIT] Potentially fixed - @CamDawg 's fix has been applied
    Post edited by SethDavis on
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    edited August 2012
    Confirmed fixed - at least the list.
    More creature attack items with their current tooltip:

    jellmu2 - broken shield
    jellgr1 - broken shield
    wyvern - ghoul hand
    wolfva1 - ???
    waterele - skull
    weregrdr - skull
    werewyv - skull
    spidhu1 - ???
    spidvo01 - ???
    spidwr - ???
    spidwr1 - ???

    Just drop these in the previous script.
  • SethDavisSethDavis Member Posts: 1,812
    edited August 2012
    grabbing these one now

    [EDIT] Potentially fixed - @Avenger_teambg's additions have been made
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    Confirmed fixed.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    Confirmed Fixed in Build 0815

    I couldn't check them all because I didn't know to which summon they corresponded to. But I checked most of them and they were fine.
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