Has anyone tried a complete overhaul mod?

I loved "Classic Adventures" complete replacement/overhaul mod and would love to see this very ambitious project finished. I haven't seen "Sir Billy Bob" in years but give me a heads up if anyone has ever tried these mods or worked on them.
That said, I would have thought there would be a total conversation or two of a BG game by now. It's had 15+ years for people to make such things... perhaps the amount of work got to them.
Once you have the art, I have a few tutorials out there that can help build the areas.
I used IETME in my tutorials... but you want that AND DLTCEP now. Once you are finished building the raw area in IETME and doing the basic stuff, then open it in DLTCEP and let that order and clean it up. Then you can make further tweaks in DLTCEP and NI.
I thought the DLTC was only a few area's? The job they did on the area's was amazing, but I don't remember it being much more than a starting area and a few other places.
What would you say is the most difficult step in creating new areas?
Also, it sounds like whatever they had is in Beamdog's hands now. Interesting.
I also tried a Mod that recreated the original 'Gold box' Pool of Radiance in the Neverwinter Nights 2 engine. It was actually pretty good as far as it went. Of course, nothing could compare to the original (In my view), but the conversion was fairly decent.
@redline I am not at liberty to confirm or deny that statement about RTW. We shall have to wait and see what happens. And about the old Black Isle boards... fond memories there:)