Character creation music

I write this post to adress a small domestic issue. I think we all agree that when we play Baldur's Gate, most of our time (discluding the time when we actually control our character) is spent during character creation. I really enjoy creating new ones and starting over, however the main menu music, as much as it is tolerable when you create one character in original story, it is UNBERABLE when you create 6 characters for the Black Pits. So I was just wondering if it could be possible to simply replace main theme in Black Pits character creation screen with the Black Pits theme muisc wich only occurs in BP menu.
And pleasse don't tell me "You can just turn off the music" becouse playing this game without music is kinda gay.
I write this post to adress a small domestic issue. I think we all agree that when we play Baldur's Gate, most of our time (discluding the time when we actually control our character) is spent during character creation. I really enjoy creating new ones and starting over, however the main menu music, as much as it is tolerable when you create one character in original story, it is UNBERABLE when you create 6 characters for the Black Pits. So I was just wondering if it could be possible to simply replace main theme in Black Pits character creation screen with the Black Pits theme muisc wich only occurs in BP menu.
And pleasse don't tell me "You can just turn off the music" becouse playing this game without music is kinda gay.