New gameplay experiences versus old memories

Been playing for a while now, and I remember the battle at the end of the Level 3 Nashkel Mines being harder, and the Spiderlady in Cloakwood 2 being not so bad. This time, it's reversed for me. How about for everyone else?
In general, I think having Glitterdust has spoiled me and led to a very crowd-control oriented spell book, in turn leading to general helplessness against big, hard-hitting bosses. Of course, it could also be that I rolled a Jester for the first time and almost always picked a hard hitting paladin back in the day, so my overall strategy had changed as a result.
I, too, recall the battle at the end of the Nashkel mines being far harder, but that the reward of a depressed elf mage with a glowing sword was worth it.
In general, I remember the game being a lot harder than it is now. Even if it is still harder than like 80% of the other games out there.
In general, as I've played more I've gotten better and most fights are easier. But no doubt, a couple fights that went very easy on first play through (bandit camp, Saravok at the Ducal Palace) surprised me by being quite a bit tougher on later play throughs.
I've found a lot of the early game "bosses" or bounty hunters a whole lot easier on my Blackguard... gotta love poison!
The ones that appeared to give me more trouble than before were the Demon Knight and the contingent of meanies at the top of the Iron Throne building. Damn those confusion spells!
To my shame, I didn't finish Durlag's Tower on vanilla. For some reason, I got bored playing the game right before the final confrontation with the Demon Knight, but back then, I didn't know that by stepping through that one last door, I would fight him and conclude the tower at last.
So, you can imagine my surprise when I fired up BGTutu years later and found out that I had missed two of the focal battles of ToSC.
She also attracts monsters, and then runs back to the party, where everyone whales on it. This has proved to be a surprisingly viable strategy when it comes to battles. Currently, I am running my female Fighter CHARNAME, Imoen, Minsc and Dynaheir, Branwen and Coran, who survived the battles in Cloakwood when Kivan bit the Big one. (I am trying not to resurrect anyone- just replace them, with the exception of Imoen because she was my only thief for the longest time. I actually had Rasaad in my party for a time, but I wanted to see what Kivan was like, and dumped him for Kivan, who only survived the first area in Cloakwood and succumbed to the Bloated Spiderlady Centeol. So I backtracked and got Coran instead, and he's done surprisingly well in my party. Most of my Fighting Characters are also specced as Archers, so when Imoen runs in with a monster hot on her tail, everyone whips out their bows and slings until the monster gets close, and Dynaheir lets loose with her spells, and when it gets too close, the magic swords and whatnot play "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" on Monster hide.