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New gameplay experiences versus old memories

Been playing for a while now, and I remember the battle at the end of the Level 3 Nashkel Mines being harder, and the Spiderlady in Cloakwood 2 being not so bad. This time, it's reversed for me. How about for everyone else?


  • redlineredline Member Posts: 296
    edited February 2013
    I've definitely noticed similar things. Durlag's Tower overall, for example, was pretty easy, but the demonknight was actually a huge nuisance. In the past, though, I definitely remember feeling relieved when the traps were gone and it was finally demon-swatting time.

    In general, I think having Glitterdust has spoiled me and led to a very crowd-control oriented spell book, in turn leading to general helplessness against big, hard-hitting bosses. Of course, it could also be that I rolled a Jester for the first time and almost always picked a hard hitting paladin back in the day, so my overall strategy had changed as a result.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    I remember the final battle being impossible, having the lure out the main guy on his own and run in circles while my team peppered him with arrows and bolts. This time I took them all on at once.

    I, too, recall the battle at the end of the Nashkel mines being far harder, but that the reward of a depressed elf mage with a glowing sword was worth it.

    In general, I remember the game being a lot harder than it is now. Even if it is still harder than like 80% of the other games out there.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,451
    Different characters and parties can have very different experiences with different fights. I'm often surprised at how big a difference a minor change in party can make. That and luck involving placement and initiative can make a huge difference too.
    In general, as I've played more I've gotten better and most fights are easier. But no doubt, a couple fights that went very easy on first play through (bandit camp, Saravok at the Ducal Palace) surprised me by being quite a bit tougher on later play throughs.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Survived Fighting two skeleton warriors as well, which I never expected to do at 4th-5th level
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    I've only played through BG once in the past and the hardest battles I remember is the spider lady in Cloakwood and the final battle. The former went a lot better this time due to using AoE spells and cowardly pulling the spiders and ettercaps one or two at a time. I don't think it was any easier, I just fought differently. I'm expecting something similar from the final battle; it's probably still ass, but I'll manage it better with some planning.

    I've found a lot of the early game "bosses" or bounty hunters a whole lot easier on my Blackguard... gotta love poison!
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    BTW you're also probably a better playing than you used to be - more experience!
  • JaceJace Member Posts: 193
    My Berserker has found many encounters that would outright disable you with fears, stuns and charms (early bounty hunters, the amazons outside the mines, sirines) a complete cakewalk due to his rage. In vanilla, it was either try to interrupt the spellcasting, or hope you make your save vs spells. Centeol appeared much easier this time as well.

    The ones that appeared to give me more trouble than before were the Demon Knight and the contingent of meanies at the top of the Iron Throne building. Damn those confusion spells!

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  • DjimmyDjimmy Member Posts: 749
    It is all easier now. I remember in BG2 I didn't even know that I had been level drained. This T* vampire seemed impossible to defeat. I also didn't know how to cheese. :) By the time I played BG1, I had played BG2 several times and completed it like twice or something, so no problems with BG1. Power gaming makes it even easier. I also know the answers to all the riddles and the things required to solve them. That's why I urge for more side quests and stories in BG2EE.

    [SPOILER]* Tanova[/SPOILER]
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    I'm in Durlag's Tower now. Never got a chance to play it before, as I went to Baldur's Gate and the Iron Throne before doing the Tower, and so this is my first time playing there. I actually filled up my gem bag, which I never expected to happen.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    @LadyRhian: I did Durlag's Tower for the first time on BG:EE. It was pretty thrilling not knowing what was round each corner.
  • JaceJace Member Posts: 193
    I remember Durlag's Tower 10+ years ago, Boy, was that dungeon really hard for me back then? I was dying left and right and I couldn't understand the riddles very well. Now, it's a breeze.

    To my shame, I didn't finish Durlag's Tower on vanilla. For some reason, I got bored playing the game right before the final confrontation with the Demon Knight, but back then, I didn't know that by stepping through that one last door, I would fight him and conclude the tower at last.

    So, you can imagine my surprise when I fired up BGTutu years later and found out that I had missed two of the focal battles of ToSC.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Eudaemonium I am definitely having that experience! I just fought numerous Ghasts and a Flesh Golem (on Level 1 of the Dungeon) and sending Immy out to scout ahead was amusing when she got hit with a Dire Charm. None of the rest of the Party was there, so she had no one to attack. The sword icon kept flickering on and off, like she was caressing her blade, but there was no one to attack, and eventually the Charm wore off.

    She also attracts monsters, and then runs back to the party, where everyone whales on it. This has proved to be a surprisingly viable strategy when it comes to battles. Currently, I am running my female Fighter CHARNAME, Imoen, Minsc and Dynaheir, Branwen and Coran, who survived the battles in Cloakwood when Kivan bit the Big one. (I am trying not to resurrect anyone- just replace them, with the exception of Imoen because she was my only thief for the longest time. I actually had Rasaad in my party for a time, but I wanted to see what Kivan was like, and dumped him for Kivan, who only survived the first area in Cloakwood and succumbed to the Bloated Spiderlady Centeol. So I backtracked and got Coran instead, and he's done surprisingly well in my party. Most of my Fighting Characters are also specced as Archers, so when Imoen runs in with a monster hot on her tail, everyone whips out their bows and slings until the monster gets close, and Dynaheir lets loose with her spells, and when it gets too close, the magic swords and whatnot play "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" on Monster hide.
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