Equipping Shar-Teel Given Her Proficiency Changes in Enhanced Edition (Spoilers)

Curious how experienced evil players are equipping Shar-Teel since the Enhanced Edition changes to her weapon slots.
In the original BG she started with two slots in Large Sword and two slots in Small Sword. I personally would give her a Scimitar +3 and a shield.
Now, she is setup for two weapons. Not using the two slots that are already placed in Two-Weapon Style when you get her would be a bit of a waste imo. Additionally, with a tome she gets an 18 dex and is actually decent with two weps. Unfortunately, she does lose some AC in the process.
She's given a slot in Longsword (a good weapon, especially since many dual her to a thief) and is somewhat saddled with another slot in Dagger (kind of a waste).
So... I'm thinking Vascona in the main hand (Longsword +2 / +1 Cold Damage) and either a Dagger of Venom or Dagger +2: Longtooth in the off-hand (or more likely both, using one or the other depending on the situation).
Then again, I'm wondering if it just might be more worth it to leave dagger in the dust and spend a slot on something more meaty. Though, I'm not confident the damage you'd make up by using a bigger off-hand weapon would exceed the damage you're losing with the loss of the weapon slot you're wasting, so maybe sticking with dagger is best. Longtooth has a damage spread of 3-8, which certainly isn't bad.
In the original BG she started with two slots in Large Sword and two slots in Small Sword. I personally would give her a Scimitar +3 and a shield.
Now, she is setup for two weapons. Not using the two slots that are already placed in Two-Weapon Style when you get her would be a bit of a waste imo. Additionally, with a tome she gets an 18 dex and is actually decent with two weps. Unfortunately, she does lose some AC in the process.
She's given a slot in Longsword (a good weapon, especially since many dual her to a thief) and is somewhat saddled with another slot in Dagger (kind of a waste).
So... I'm thinking Vascona in the main hand (Longsword +2 / +1 Cold Damage) and either a Dagger of Venom or Dagger +2: Longtooth in the off-hand (or more likely both, using one or the other depending on the situation).
Then again, I'm wondering if it just might be more worth it to leave dagger in the dust and spend a slot on something more meaty. Though, I'm not confident the damage you'd make up by using a bigger off-hand weapon would exceed the damage you're losing with the loss of the weapon slot you're wasting, so maybe sticking with dagger is best. Longtooth has a damage spread of 3-8, which certainly isn't bad.
So there I am, with a ranged fighter and no ranged proficiencies for a while. I usually make use of her strength and dagger prof for throwing daggers until she gets another pip. It suits her personality and stats to still use a brute force kind of ranged weapon and makes a nice change since not many ranged NPCs have the strength to use daggers. It's not really a long term solution due to the lack of magical daggers though. I usually ignore the dual wielding and give her either Varscona or Dagger of Venom, depending on charname and if he uses daggers. She makes a fine archer or crossbower and can use weapons usually reserved for Minsc and Kivan.
I don't use her as frontliner at all and dual her to thief/ranged as soon as possible. It's a waste of her dual prof, yes. But otherwise it would be a waste of a good thief that can wear helms, so...
And I'm not seeing how you "skip" Tiax. He doesn't become available for a long time, while you can get Shar-Teel as low as level 2 without messed up thief skills.
I have Monty/Xzar or Shar-Teel/Edwin (or Baeloth) as "default" combinations in my parties. I don't like seperating Monty and Xzar because they belong to the very few NPCs with some banters. That's rare enough in BG1 to be worth it.
If she's fighting undead or werewolves then the Harrower, >the Sword of Balduran Flame Tongue, or Werebane, as indicated.
If you dual her into a 7/8 Fighter Thief, you have the following possibilities:
Long Sword (5 Slots)
Dagger (1 Slot)
Two-Weapon Fighting Style (2 Slots)
Main Hand THACO (5)
Off Hand THACO (10)
No. Attacks (7/2)
-- Gauntlets of Ogre Power and a Helm of Balduran were used in this example
Main Hand (Vascona -> 3-10 Damage / +1 Cold / Speed Factor: 3)
Off Hand (Scorched Earth -> 2-9 Damage / Special Damage Against Certain Creatures / Speed Factor: 3)
Listed Ability Bonuses:
+14 to Hit
+ 6 to Damage
Dagger (5 Slots)
Long Sword (1 Slot)
Two-Weapon Fighting Style (2 Slots)
No. Attacks (7/2)
Main Hand THACO (5)
Off Hand THACO (9)
No. Attacks (7/2)
-- Gauntlets of Ogre Power and a Helm of Balduran were used in this example
Main Hand (Long Tooth -> 3-8 Damage / Speed Factor: 0)
Off Hand (Dagger of Venom -> 3-6 Damage / Chance to Poison on Each Hit / Speed Factor: 0)
Listed Ability Bonuses:
+15 to Hit
+ 6 to Damage
I'm leaning towards the Long Sword build. Speed Factor doesn't matter that much and the possibility of higher high-end damage (5-6 more depending if cold damage kicks in) while losing 1 THACO on your Off-Hand seems acceptable. Still, the Dagger of Venom as an off-hand weapon does have 1 better minimum damage, and the Poison ability which is wicked against most creatures... So I'm kind of torn.
I can't believe there's not another +2 Long Sword or better in the game besides Vascona.
Speed factor evidently doesn't matter when dual-wielding, per some testing by a forum member.
This is what I did with her in my current playthrough:
Fighter 6 / Thief 9
Proficiencies (I've used the "not levelling up past Thief 3 until you hit the Xp for 7" trick):
Longsword +++
Dagger ++
2Weapons +++
Sling + (chosen at Level 1 Thief, for the Strength bonus to damage)
Sword & Shield + (chosen at Level 1 Thief; "Single Weapon Style" is also nice here, but only if you remove the off-hand weapon before each backstab; I personally would find that annoying, but that's just me)
Maximised Hide in Shadows and Move Silently (for backstab)
She is dual wielding Varscona and Dagger of Venom most of the time. In the rare situations in which I need her with a ranged weapon, she switch to Sling and Large Shield.
Against the vast majority of enemies there won't be a difference between Harrower and Flame Tongue. I guess when you're fighting Undead you can equip both Flame Tongue and Harrower.
There's a kind of neat fire and ice thing going one when dual-wielding Varscona and Flame Tongue, although it's more conceptually fun than practically meaningful.
Fire and Ice
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
-- Robert Frost