(Btw, you can use these to test various concepts and mechanics out via the CLUA console, not to literally cheat in the game. ;P Although if you do want to cheat a few things now and again, this gives you the option.)
How to enable the cheats for BG:EE is covered here:
Theres no need to use cheats for that. Just start new game with already existing char (import) and run to Durlag's tower. You can do that with book for constitution and charisma. No killing required. Just run with boots of speed.
Best I can tell they're the same for BG:EE. Thus far I haven't found any of them to be different yet.
BG:EE's new magical items codes are listed here (this thread contains spoilers obviously):
(Btw, you can use these to test various concepts and mechanics out via the CLUA console, not to literally cheat in the game. ;P Although if you do want to cheat a few things now and again, this gives you the option.)
How to enable the cheats for BG:EE is covered here: