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BG2EE: Please add clerical deity flexibility for Lawful Evil and Chaotic Neutral characters

Cleric MCs in BG2 are shoehorned into representing a deity in BG2 purely on the basis of their Good-Evil alignment. All good clerics worship a NG deity (Lathander), all neutral clerics worship a LN deity (Helm), and all evil clerics worship a CE deity (Talos).

This framework leads to very awkward roleplaying options for CN and LE clerics (i.e., Helm accepts LG, LN, and TN clergy, but not CN clergy; Talos accepts NE, CE, and CN clergy, but not LE clergy).

If possible, please incorporate a mechanism to help LE and CN clerics RP those scenarios more naturally.


  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    Simply adding more cleric kits and enforcing stricter alignment restrictions with the old ones would fix this issue nicely. Icewind Dale 2 had something like ten different kinds of clerics, and though it's in a different ruleset, those cleric kits could provide some guidance for 2nd edition interpretations.
  • karnor00karnor00 Member Posts: 680
    Theres only 3 temples in the city of Amn, and ultimately there's no perfect way to shoehorn 9 different alignments into 3 different religions.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    I agree that adding more kits and better enforcing the alignment of the existing ones would be a good choice. Just because only 3 temples exist in Athkatla, doesn't mean every Cleric in the city has to belong to one.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,439
    edited February 2013
    In Divine Remix, we made it so the temples would take their deity's alignment + plus one step out. So Lathander (NG) took LG, NG, CG, and TN; Helm (LN) took LG, LN, TN, and LE; and Talos (CE) takes NE, CE, and CN. True neutrals and lawful good (unkitted) get a choice between Lathander and Helm, LE clerics get Helm instead of Talos, and CN get Talos instead of Helm.
  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742
    there's also a temple of ilmater...
  • IecerintIecerint Member Posts: 431
    Divine Remix's approach sounds good (I was always fascinated by that mod, but it didn't play well with some other mods I enjoyed), even if it's still non-ideal for the LE priests for people who care about Helm's lore (but maybe you're infiltrating!). Still, I think that kind of re-alignment approach is the best bang-for-effort way to address this issue.
  • elementelement Member Posts: 833
    i agree i think clerics desperately need more kits to represent a broader array of deities
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