*spoiler* The First time I played BG1 original

I remember taking 365 days before getting to the city of Baldurs Gate. This wasn't even including the GNOLL fortress or Durlags Tower. (The copied CD I had was glitched and could not visit the Gnoll Fortress)
I was so greedy I made sure I looted every nook and cranny and went bark and forth just to sell trash that was literally worth 1-3gold LOL
But thats where it also screwed me over. GREED for the first time just didn't pay.
This was when I met Marek and Lothander.
I wanted to LOOT Marek so I decided to SHOOT him in the back before he was able to walk away into the building.
Leaving him dead in the gutters of the city.
I wasn't able to load to a previous save because I'd overwritten it and the ones before were way too far back. So I doomed myself. Of course I could of CHEATED the antidote back into my inventory but back then I was too nooby to learn how to use CHEATS.
Because of that I missed out on a whole section of the game 'The Sea Charts' that takes you out into the sea!!! I thought DAMN!
I was so greedy I made sure I looted every nook and cranny and went bark and forth just to sell trash that was literally worth 1-3gold LOL
But thats where it also screwed me over. GREED for the first time just didn't pay.
This was when I met Marek and Lothander.
I wanted to LOOT Marek so I decided to SHOOT him in the back before he was able to walk away into the building.
Leaving him dead in the gutters of the city.
I wasn't able to load to a previous save because I'd overwritten it and the ones before were way too far back. So I doomed myself. Of course I could of CHEATED the antidote back into my inventory but back then I was too nooby to learn how to use CHEATS.
Because of that I missed out on a whole section of the game 'The Sea Charts' that takes you out into the sea!!! I thought DAMN!
My main character was a half-elven Fighter/Mage (whose name I chose as a forum nick and have used ever since) that I heavily armored and he mainly wielded the bow and wands, though he would sometimes wade into melee with a long sword. I barely used his spellcasting at all, though, so the class was a bit of a disappointment due to my ignorance. (For my first BG:EE run I recreated him, but this time unarmored and casting spells in melee as a dual-wielding swordsman, and that was more like it.)
My first time through, I did OK mechanics-wise, but totally botched the story. Killed Rieltar, so no letter from Gorion. Believed the Elminster-ganger, so he shapeshifted off-screen and I was left confused as to who was actually alive and who wasn't. Lost all kinds of party members to the Candlekeep basilisk (not story-related, but still a rookie mistake), and then didn't end up catching on to the whole Bhaalspawn thing until Tamoko started referencing it in Chapter 7, and at that point it was less of a cool revelation and more of a source of confusion.
I wasn't terribly good at reading between the lines in those days.
Magic is impressive, but, now, Minsc leads. Swords for everyone!