The Wizard, The Djin and The Wish

Hi to all!! I want ask to ask several questions Bg 2 Throne of Bhaal related.
1) What class can be best suited to cast a Wish (level 9) spells? Sorcerer? Mage? Wild Mage?
2) I want make a caster and i want keep him for all the journey between Bg1 ee to the end of the story (TOB)! What is the best caster for high levels? Sorcer? Wild mage? Normal mage? specialized mage?
3) What is requirement for have good % to make a good wish (for example memorized all spells like rested?) I need only high wisdom? Because i read that wish make a double check on int and wisdom, but i don't have any proof about it. I ask this, because if i make a sorcerer with low intelligence but enough wisdom can i use the same Wish?
4) I know that Sorcerer its pretty a broken class now: No requirements at all! Primary stats is intelligence, but no intelligence check on any spells or others! The devs have in mind to fix this? Fixing will broke previous character? Like a nerf or something?
Thanks to all!
1) What class can be best suited to cast a Wish (level 9) spells? Sorcerer? Mage? Wild Mage?
2) I want make a caster and i want keep him for all the journey between Bg1 ee to the end of the story (TOB)! What is the best caster for high levels? Sorcer? Wild mage? Normal mage? specialized mage?
3) What is requirement for have good % to make a good wish (for example memorized all spells like rested?) I need only high wisdom? Because i read that wish make a double check on int and wisdom, but i don't have any proof about it. I ask this, because if i make a sorcerer with low intelligence but enough wisdom can i use the same Wish?
4) I know that Sorcerer its pretty a broken class now: No requirements at all! Primary stats is intelligence, but no intelligence check on any spells or others! The devs have in mind to fix this? Fixing will broke previous character? Like a nerf or something?
Thanks to all!

2) it depends on how modded your game is; vanilla, probably Sorcerer. Keep in mind that casters are fairly weak throughout BG1
3) afaik it only checks against your WIS value. I have never heard of it checking INT as well, but I may be wrong
4) "Primary stat is intelligence" - this is not true. There is no primary stat for sorcerers. Aside from general usefulness of stats (i.e. DEX = higher AC, etc.), no stat hold special meaning for a Sorc. You will be as good a caster with 3 INT as with 25. Afaik they were supposed to be relying on CHA, but it's not implemented as such in the game.
My game isn't modded its bg ee plain version. I want a caster that can be good in throne of bhaal
I'm a bit puzzled if can be good thing to put some extra constitution point for use the Claw of Kazgarth (or wathever)
@Bhaaldog i know! But its a fun that often lead you to death
That being said, these sorts of decisions depend a lot on various other factors. For example, as mentioned before, sorcerers don't really need INT - meaning you can load up on other beneficial stats instead, which can be VERY relevant if you don't re-roll until godlike totals.
Truth be told, though, I prefer not to have CHARNAME as a pure caster in BG2. Why? Because Edwin will almost always be better. His unique amulet adds extra spells for all levels, and he is also a specialist, meaning that he will always have more spells than any other caster. I haven't used him in BG1 so I'm not sure if he has the amulet there as well...
At the end of the day, vanilla is easy enough that you can simply choose what you like best. You will do fine either way most likely, and probably have a lot more fun along the way than you would have going with a "power" choice.
If you want to be forced to having a high wisdom to begin with, you could roll as a Necromancer, their secondary stat requirement is 16+ Wisdom.
@Lord_Tansheron Yep! This help me alot! i know that build a pure caster in bg1 can be a real pain due to low hp (maybe find familiar can fix a bit this problem)
I wanted to build a sorcerer because Edwin its already a better than you can be, but now as a overpowered Sorcerer they have add
Maybe can i build a kensai/mage , but i don't have what proficencies chose. I know that i can play vanilla bg without problem with any class/combo but i wanted also to have in my hand a power CHARNAME
About fragile in bg1 i think i will be fragile like a mage :P except for the improved life points for the 18 in constitution
Katanas are good mainly because of their damage range (1d10); with Kai, you always deal maximum damage, meaning more the higher your maximum damage range. Unfortunately the best Katana in the unmodded game is still Celestial Fury+3, and there are some bosses (especially at the end of the game) that a +3 weapon cannot hit.
Even without accounting for Kai, though, FoA+5 deals an obscene amount of damage. I suppose an okay alternative would be Foebane+5, or the aforementioned CF+3 when fighting enemies that you can hit with +3 weapons.
I'm right? Because i'm trying to get godly stats for roll such nice CHARNAME
It's true, Kensai->Mage can be quite cheesy, especially in the unmodded game. Show those infidels how a REAL godspawn fights!
But as always, it's up to you to figure out how fun something is for you! And once you've beaten the game once or twice as vanilla, there's always the next mod ready and waiting to make your life miserable
2) The one you like the most.
Nah joking, always sorcerer. But dual/multiclass mages can be really funny.
3) To have the best chance you need WIS 18, nothing else.
4) Broken? Intelligence? Fix? o.O
No, no & no.
Btw i want thank to all guys in this topic for help me so much! @SpaceInvader if you want tell me some tips for making a godlike sorcerer i will be please to talk with you via pm in our native tongue :P
If you know how to proceed it's not that hard, and there are guides all over the web.
My apologies!
I am always a big fan of Wizards myself. But Sorcerers to get more spells to cast per day. Then the trade off comes with picking the spell instead of something else.
Just my two cents.
I think the strategy was that you cast whatever you want to cast, then when you run low you use Wish to rest - regaining everything, including the Wish. Repeat ad nauseam. Not sure there's many fights that require that tactics, especially in an unmodded game, but hey... Me, I've never found resting to be a problem, really. Heck, you can even rest at the Throne of Bhaal itself!
Since Wish is an HLA, you can take it without impairing your other selections.
Limited Wish, that's different. But I never play without two wizards, so I've got my PC sorceror and a backup mage. Usually Jan, since he's the only thief who can actually level up, so serves in both roles nicely. A potion boots his wisdom up to the necessary.
The reason I favour sorcerors is because I find there's very few spells I need to cast regularly, and those I do, I cast often. Anything else I need, well, that's why I have scrolls and a backup mage.
Serves me right for speaking without knowing my stuff. Thanks @PawnSlayer and @Lord_Tansheron.
Anyway, choosing Wish is never a waste for a Sorc
Wish is a regular lvl9 spell, not a HLA. So you can put it in a quick slot and use it with a Simulacrum/Project Image.