Wondering about the status of the AI issues re: ranged characters running up into melee range?

Looked for info in the bug forums but the only thing I saw that fit led to a page that said No Discussion Found.
Put this here (General) becuase I didn't want to clutter up the BUG forum with discussion of an issue I am certain they already know about.
What I am seeing is characters weilding ranged weapons running up into melee range to use them - especially under the default AI but also under other AI choices to a lesser degree.
When it occurs I can stop it my taking control and ordering them to attack manually but once that enemy goes down they usually run up to the next enemy in line. When you have several ranged characters in a group this turns into a real chinese fire drill. LOL
Anyway just trying to find out if any progress is being made and/or whether or not we might see something for it in the next patch or two
(or any work arounds folks have discovered)
Put this here (General) becuase I didn't want to clutter up the BUG forum with discussion of an issue I am certain they already know about.
What I am seeing is characters weilding ranged weapons running up into melee range to use them - especially under the default AI but also under other AI choices to a lesser degree.
When it occurs I can stop it my taking control and ordering them to attack manually but once that enemy goes down they usually run up to the next enemy in line. When you have several ranged characters in a group this turns into a real chinese fire drill. LOL
Anyway just trying to find out if any progress is being made and/or whether or not we might see something for it in the next patch or two
(or any work arounds folks have discovered)
It's useful for small encounters at high levels (Kobolds and such).
Coran used to auto dispatch them quickly and swiftly.
Now he run like a moron close to them and attack them with his bow in melee range.
Nice job.
And once again : ranged script is not reliable.
Just enough so you could micromanage your spellcasters or characters using special tactics or general positioning and allow the script to keep the rest of the party simply targeting enemies as they were scripted in melee or ranged attacks.
I don't recall basic script issues with vanilla BG2 either altho in both games the ranged script sometimes caused the archer to spend more time moving around getting out of melee range and not attacking instead of just switching to melee weapons as the script intended.
That said with a party of 6 it would be nice if a basic attack script would work well enough so you didn't have to micromange every character for every round of every battle.
Two scripts I would love to see are:
* Thief script for finding traps (ala BG2)
* Cleric script for turning undead
I find turning undead and having to micromanage my cleric so she doesn't start attacking or doing something else to break the turning to be a real chore.
Best solution to completly disable lichs and vampires is to run next to it with your cleric then pummel it with your party as it cowers in fear.
As said before I would like:
* A bard script that makes your bard always sing, if not overridden by anther action
I am 100% on board with your bard script idea as well. Really, the cleric turning, thief searching and bard singing scripts should all be the same mechanism with just a different ability tied out.
Which makes exactly zero sense when non-magical arrows are all that's left in the quiver, but hey ho, just a bad decision made when coding the original game.
More complex behavioral scripts do seem to generally create more trouble than they are worth, IMO.
And yes, the AI in EE is really wonky.
As much as i love BG the AI in EE is ABSOLUTLEY DISCRACEFUL.
- as stated after casting a spell casters run to melee range after casting a spell
- when an archer finishes a stack of ammunition, instead of moving to the next stack or ammo they switch to a melee weapon or fists. WTF
- when casting Melfs Meteors instead of switching back to the weapon setting prior to casting melfs. After you have used the meteors the weapons switch to melee or fists?
- pathfinding is dreadful to non existant
- in combat your own party memebers is bunch up and block eachother from moving in to engage and attack the enemy
- on the map chars sometimes fail to move from A to B
Custom scripts - to compare them to a beta would be kind. Most of them simply do not work at all.
- Set Ajantis to agressive figher - He will never engage enemies and sometimes will not even attack if he is being attacked, he will stand around idle. YES this is on agressive fighter
- Agressive wizard - I set Baeloth to this AI script, he casts absolutly zero spells so i bascally thought this script did not work and continued to use him manually. Then after 4-5 hours or gameplay he casted flaming fingers on his own without being ordered? WTF. so im like 'oh the script is working'. Nope, another hour or so of game player with no spells being casted and then he casted another one randomly. I have also set edwin to this setting and he spams magic missiles which is great but nothing else ( no acid arrow,flame arrow or emotion )
- The thief script where they will attempt to hide in shadows (cant remeber the name) - my char Never, NOT once hid or attempted to hide in shadows for the entire game.
I have just given up on all of the scipts ive tried most of them and simply do not work or are far to unreliable to use. I like micro-ing in battle but when chars will stand around in battle and not even defend themselves or cant even find a very basic path to attack an enemy and stand around is really bad
Back in 98 when i first got BG i didnt even notice these. But by todays standards of games BGEE need to address these very basic 'AI 101' issues to make the game more fluent and less frustrating so that is more enjoyable
If people here have played dragon age you will see how brialliant the AI customisation options are. Obviously i dont expect the same for a 15 year old game but if they could get some basic AI and scripts working reliably that would be great.
The other purpose I had for starting this thread was to try to discover whether or not tweaking the scripts is "officially" on anyones to do list and a general idea of how far down the list it might be.
The other part is so some mods can change them, which would allow different AI scripts. For me the most convenient script would be something like:
- Turn/Sing buttons have no immediate effect -- never don't abort a spell or attack.
- Perform my current action.
- Once per round, check to see if the Turn/Sing button was clicked.
- If it was, append a Turn/Sing action to my action queue.
- GOTO loop;