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Mouse wheel and vendor window

BoasterBoaster Member Posts: 622
Presently in the BG2 engine, the mouse wheel only scrolls the vendor items regardless of the location of the mouse.

What I propose is the mouse wheel scrolling through vendor inventory or player inventory based upon the location of the cursor.


  • paulsifer42paulsifer42 Member Posts: 267
    If you're saying what I think you are, I think this is a great idea. It would make vendor interaction smoother and quicker.
  • RavelRavel Member Posts: 140
    I never noticed this before, but if what you're saying is true, then I think it's a great idea provided it isn't too difficult to implement.

    I know the UI was giving them a hard time, so something that seems so simple to us, might in fact be a huge headache.

    Nevertheless, +1.
  • BoasterBoaster Member Posts: 622
    Well, I would figure this would be something that would be implemented without saying. But I wanted to put it forward regardless.
  • dandydandy Member Posts: 35
    I also wouldn't mind a "select all" button for the sell window (just out of me being lazy)
    If you're like me, and you keep all your garbage in a bag by itself, seems like a nice idea
  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    Agreed, for some reason I'm thinking this has already been brought up, but it most likely wasn't in its own discussion. Anyway, this would definitely increase convenience considerably. Also, a "select all" button of some sort while in a container as @dandy mentioned could certainly come in handy.
  • HeadbombHeadbomb Member Posts: 213
    I was about to post this for a feature request, but since it's already here, I just want to express my support for this Feat. Req. Not being able to control the "stuff I want to selling" section of the vendor screen is one of the most annoying quirks of the interface. I was kinda expecting this to be a "duh" thing to implement, but maybe apparently it's been overlooked / is not feasable / other stuff has been prioritized.

    But as one of the things you'll deal with pretty often, it seems like something you'd want to patch in eventually [and the sooner the better].
  • thedemoninsidethedemoninside Member Posts: 188
    Yes, this should have been implemented. Also I would like every other text window to work with middle mouse scrolling.
  • HeadbombHeadbomb Member Posts: 213
  • escagirlukescagirluk Member Posts: 21
    Oh, bump. This would be awesome, if they can fiddle the mechanics to work.
  • TsyrithTsyrith Member Posts: 180
    When I initiaIIy heard about the enhanced edition, these were the kind of enhancements I envisaged, real quality of Iife improvements. This and an AoE targetting reticuIe would increase the enjoyment of my game manyfoId.
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    I'm very much behind this, and I've always missed this feature from the original game.
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