*spoiler* Therella's missing son?

This was one of the quests I picked up *after* I cleared Durlags Tower.
Honestly I can't be bothered going all the way back there...
I don't remember finding a corpse or speaking to an NPC that is her son.
Did I miss out on much?
Or alternativley could use the old trustworthy CHEAT if need be....whats the code for it?
Honestly I can't be bothered going all the way back there...
I don't remember finding a corpse or speaking to an NPC that is her son.
Did I miss out on much?
Or alternativley could use the old trustworthy CHEAT if need be....whats the code for it?
I think the quest breaks if you don't talk to his mother before saving him (meaning she will ignore that you saved him and you can't complete the quest).
But I might be wrong.
EDIT: beat me to it
If you have, then hit ctrl+space in game to bring up the console, and type in:
CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("[area code]") and then hit enter
You can find the area codes for any area by googling:
Baldur's Gate area codes