Best average backstabs in BGEE?

What class/weapon combination would lead to the best backstabs on average at the XP cap, given an average enemy with -3 AC.
The thing to optimize would be average total damage done with a single backstab attack (including poisons)
I would think the Staff of Striking could be an obvious choice. but also the poisoned Dagger could be worthwile with single-weapon style.
Human Berserker/Thief dual ?
Half-orc Assassin ?
Kensai/thief dual ?
Half-orc or Elven Fighter/Thief multi ?
cleric Selfbuffed/Thief?
anything else i forgot?
The thing to optimize would be average total damage done with a single backstab attack (including poisons)
I would think the Staff of Striking could be an obvious choice. but also the poisoned Dagger could be worthwile with single-weapon style.
Human Berserker/Thief dual ?
Half-orc Assassin ?
Kensai/thief dual ?
Half-orc or Elven Fighter/Thief multi ?
cleric Selfbuffed/Thief?
anything else i forgot?
Either Kensai, or Berserker.
There's two ways to do it :
Either dual at fighter level 6, or at fighter level 3.
Dual@ level 6 :
Pros : Better THACO
Con : You play most of the game as a shitty thief
Dual@ level 6 :
Pro : Early access to your fighter bonuses
Con Slightly lower thac0
Note that since Strength bonus isn't multiplied on a backstab, playing a half orc isn't as good as playing a dualed fighter / thief.
The best weapon for backstabs is the staff of striking
The second best weapon for backstabs is the +3 staff
The third best weapon for backstabs is the +3 shortsword
The fourth best weapon is the +2 sword.
I did myself play as a Berserker that dualled to thief at level 3, and I had a blast.
The berserking ability is a godsend, and is very, VERY useful.
Note that I played the game as a solo character, not in a party.
I first developped Hide / Move Silently to about ~70+, then started putting points in pick locks and disarm trap.
Final values at Berserker 3 / Thief 9 was about 90% MS / 90 % Hide / 85% Pick locks / 85% disarm traps, and I was only using the +3 studded leather (With the boots of speed).
1d6+3 (Staff) + 2 (Guantlets) + 5 (5* staves) + 1 (2* 2H)
= 12-19 x4 + Strength bonus.
That's an average of about 65 damage with a strength of 19.
If you use the staff of striking, you add +6x4 damage to the average, so about 90 damage per hit.
Get his strength up to 20, get the dagger of venom and together with the poison ability watch your unsuspecting targets die.