You grew up in Candlekeep, listening to old men chanting about how "The Lord of Murder shall perish" over and over and over again. Your foster father was a prominent Cleric at the local temple of Helm, so you paid your lip service while lifting a few coins from the collection plate whenever you and Imoen felt like having some fun.
Once you entered your darker teen years, you decided to start secretly saying your prayers to this dead God as a subtle act of protest. You found you actually felt a stronger presence within you praying to this 'dead' diety than any of the supposed living ones. You were unable to research too much into the history of this God, as Gorion kept a close eye on your studies and would sternly end any inquiries on the manner.
Soon strange men from outside the keep began coming and studying the very tomes you were never allowed to view. Before you had the opportunity to ask Gorion about these men, well, you all know what happens to poor ol' Gorion.
You've killed three humans who have tried to kill you before you get you first bhaalspawn power, or 4 if you choose to kill the Flaming Fist soldier as well. It makes sense that by murdering you would unlock your powers, while mistakingly attributing it to your worship of Bhaal.
Eventually you realize that you are, in fact, one of his mortal prodegies. You gleefully embrace your destiny and vow that chaos shall be sown in your passing. You shall become the God you so foolishly worshiped. You need no one to grant you any powers.
well I would say The God oF Vengance Hoar are excellent chose for an assassin aslo the god of murder Set is a good chose....
If you want a Judge Dredd kind of assassin who delivers Punishment then go for Hoar Hoar WORSHIPPERS. ALIGN.: LG, NG, LN, N, LE, NE
If you simply want Murder go for Set Set WORSHIPPERS. ALIGN. LE, LN and NE
So far I know the is no Assassin god that take in CE alig worshippers...
Cyrics have killers and murderers but they are not Assassins... Simple put you need to be focused in the art of assassination... CE, CN and CG aligment ppl have it hard to be focused in the assassination arts...
but in the end it is your chose on how you want to play your Charname...
Most CE Assassin's worship Cyric as he IS the current god of Murder at this point in Faerun's history. All (or at least the vast majority of) Bhaal's assassin's were killed by Mykrul into order to transfer Bane's essence into to a huge statue-body, and Cyric wiped out or converted most of Bhaal's worshippers, aside from a few who went underground (that's why Bhaal gave Final-Bad the ability to tap into his collected essence to fuel their divine spells, since otherwise they couldn't have cast the spells required for his return).
Generally speaking, a patron god is pretty much under the same rules as a cleric patron, using the one step rule. Though there's really nothing to stop a non-divine caster from having a dramatically opposed patron....though when you die, you might end up a false, since you were obviously only paying lip service by not living according to your chosen deity's ideals. (On the other hand, Mask was able to lay clam to a guy's soul because he offered a coin one time to a shine of mask several decades earlier and was never really a devout person otherwise).
You grew up in Candlekeep, listening to old men chanting about how "The Lord of Murder shall perish" over and over and over again. Your foster father was a prominent Cleric at the local temple of Helm, so you paid your lip service while lifting a few coins from the collection plate whenever you and Imoen felt like having some fun.
Once you entered your darker teen years, you decided to start secretly saying your prayers to this dead God as a subtle act of protest. You found you actually felt a stronger presence within you praying to this 'dead' diety than any of the supposed living ones. You were unable to research too much into the history of this God, as Gorion kept a close eye on your studies and would sternly end any inquiries on the manner.
Soon strange men from outside the keep began coming and studying the very tomes you were never allowed to view. Before you had the opportunity to ask Gorion about these men, well, you all know what happens to poor ol' Gorion.
You've killed three humans who have tried to kill you before you get you first bhaalspawn power, or 4 if you choose to kill the Flaming Fist soldier as well. It makes sense that by murdering you would unlock your powers, while mistakingly attributing it to your worship of Bhaal.
Eventually you realize that you are, in fact, one of his mortal prodegies. You gleefully embrace your destiny and vow that chaos shall be sown in your passing. You shall become the God you so foolishly worshiped. You need no one to grant you any powers.
aslo the god of murder Set is a good chose....
If you want a Judge Dredd kind of assassin who delivers Punishment then go for Hoar
If you simply want Murder go for Set
So far I know the is no Assassin god that take in CE alig worshippers...
Cyrics have killers and murderers but they are not Assassins...
Simple put you need to be focused in the art of assassination... CE, CN and CG aligment ppl have it hard to be focused in the assassination arts...
but in the end it is your chose on how you want to play your Charname...
Generally speaking, a patron god is pretty much under the same rules as a cleric patron, using the one step rule. Though there's really nothing to stop a non-divine caster from having a dramatically opposed patron....though when you die, you might end up a false, since you were obviously only paying lip service by not living according to your chosen deity's ideals. (On the other hand, Mask was able to lay clam to a guy's soul because he offered a coin one time to a shine of mask several decades earlier and was never really a devout person otherwise).