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System Shock 2 Reloaded

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  • FrozenCellsFrozenCells Member Posts: 385
    Good stuff, I only played it once briefly (co-op) but it seemed fun. Didn't continue when my friend quit citing the datedness of the engine as a reason....I was more concerned about running around with a pipe as a weapon because there weren't any bullets anywhere! Looking forward to giving it a fair chance.
  • BalquoBalquo Member, Developer Posts: 2,746
    One of my all time favourites!
  • TeflonTeflon Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 515
    This game released a bit too early methinks.
    Imagine sshock2 receives benefit of modern game elements like stunning lifelike grafx and sound and so on.
    Some says there will be no more sshock3 because of bioshock and deadspace is its successor.
    Hmm anyway good news indeed.
    Gotta hear its sound test again hehe left right center love that voice.
  • RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672
    I remember playing this. One of those games that's very creepy and a bit too isolating at times, but still great fun. Never played the first one though and I've yet to play either of the Bioshock games. I wouldn't mind a return to the System Shock universe.
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  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    System Shock 2 is tied with Planescape: Torment and the BG saga as the best games ever for me. I still have my original CD but am very glad that I can now replace it if needed. I just saw it'd been released on GOG and immediately logged in here to sing its praises.

    SS2 was pioneering in its immersiveness and use of voice acting. It's still a genuinely creepy game to play through even in its vanilla state. I have completed it about 6-7 times and still get drawn back to it from time to time. The story is still terrifying and compelling.

    It is telling that so many thing SS1 & 2 did (emails, voice logs, full voice acting) are now the norm. Because of this it doesn't feel dated aside from the visuals. The interface and controls are can be set up to whatever your current Modern Warfare ones are (if you play such games). System Shock 2 and Half-Life 1 were out at about the same time and both made huge leaps in immersive storytelling. It's a pity the relatively few people played SS2 given how frickkin' great it is.

    @Teflon SS2 already has a great set of voice acting, and the sound engine is still top-notch. The graphics aren't great but can get significantly sharpened up using Cyberblutch's Rebirth 02 mod (high poly models), SHTUP (Shock Texture update project), and loads of smaller weapon model/individual model/texture packs/UI mods that you can customise to your needs.

    TL;DR System Shock 2 is +5 awesomesauce. Buy it. Mod the graphics. Love it.
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    In fact, as soon as I'm finished with my next BG:EE playthrough (making it 5 so far) I'll be playing SS2 for a bit, I think.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    Looking Glass lives!
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    Before anyone mentions a remake/update I believe that System Shock's licence is stuck in some hellish netherworld. The Trademark is partly owned by two different companies who are unlikley to reconcile IIRC.

    This is one reason that Bioshock was made as a spiritual successor rather than a sequel. The Devs didn't have the legal firepower/leverage to salvage the licence.
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