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Request: Slightly changed GUI - Moved pause button

mars0124mars0124 Member Posts: 180
edited February 2013 in General Modding
Hello all!

As I've been exploring the opportunities of modding on the iPad I have realized I might be able to get one of my major iPad beefs fixed. The pause button. On a device where you can primarily play with your thumbs the pause button is crammed waaaay down in the bottom left.

Could someone help me make a GUI where the pause button is moved? Even if that means directing my hands rather than creating the actual mod that would be hugely appreciated. I was thinking that the settings button could be moved all the way to the bottom left and the pause button take its place? Or something like that.

It doesn't even have to be a graphically 'perfect' solution, I just want to be able to easily access my preciousssss.... pause button.
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