Large shield + 1 description...

I was about to grab a Large shield +1 for Monty to replace his generic large shield but when I read the description it says +2 AC +1 vs missle while the generic description is +1 AC +2 missle - really?
What causes the sheild to become magically enhanced for AC yet lose missle protection?
I had no idea this was the case - my whole purpose of giving him a large shield is for the missle protection so I should pay almost 3000g to lose half of it in return for +1 AC?
What causes the sheild to become magically enhanced for AC yet lose missle protection?
I had no idea this was the case - my whole purpose of giving him a large shield is for the missle protection so I should pay almost 3000g to lose half of it in return for +1 AC?
A vanilla large shield should be providing +1 to AC from everything, except a +2 AC against missiles. A +1 enchanted large shield should be providing +2 AC from everything, but either still simply providing +2 AC against missiles, or going up to a total of +3 AC against missiles. Either way, you aren't losing missile defense.
I'm not sure if you're reading the description of the actual item or the impact the items have on your character sheet, because your description of a vanilla large shield doesn't match what I'm looking at on an online item list at the moment. But it seems to be that you're either paying solely for a melee defense boost or are in fact gaining +1 AC overall and misinterpreting it as a negative. Either way, you should be fine.
So for regular shields:
Small shield = +1 to AC, but +0 to AC vs Missiles
Medium Shield = +1 to AC and +1 to AC vs Missiles
Large shield = +1 to AC and +2 to AC vs Missiles
Which do people prefer? Nitpick: Medium shields don't give bonus AC vs. missiles.
Based on the wording, it makes most sense if it's a replacement.
i.e. "Armor Class: +1, +2 vs. missile attacks"
The +1 Large Shield should read:
"Armor Class: +2, +3 vs. missile attacks"
In the same way, a +1 buckler would read:
"Armor class: +2, +1 vs. missile attacks"
This follows the convention of magic weapons as well; the Bastard sword +1, +3 versus shapeshifters behaves as a +3 weapon against shapeshifters, which is clear from the description. If it were additive, the result would be +4, which isn't the case.
Better might be:
Armor class: +2
Armor class vs missles: +3
In game description of large shield reads equipped abilities: Armor class + 1, +2 vs missle attacks
In game description of large shield +1 reads Statistics: Armor class +2 , +1 vs missle attacks
Equipping them shows the regular AC adjusted as expected but missle attack adjustment is -1 for both so I really don't understand why the descriptions would read differently for the missle attacks (since they are in fact the same).
@Jalily, @Aosaw: you could make the descriptions wholly explicit by using a couple of extra words in each description instead of the inevitably-ambiguous comma. For example, "Armor Class: +2 bonus with extra +1 vs missile attacks" for a Large Shield +1 would surely remove all confusion.
There aren't really any extra words needed--magic weapons use the same convention, so as long as it's consistent there shouldn't be any confusion.
Fourteen years ago I was twelve, and I figured it out pretty quickly. Players are smart.
Small shields are quite good
Medium shields are good
Large shields are very good
Thinking about it, what you're seeing sounds correct. Both the Large Shield and the Large Shield +1 should give an armor class modifier (bonus) of 1. The difference is that the Large Shield +1 gives an armor class which is also 1 better than the plain Large Shield, so the bonus of 1 vs missile is being applied to a better armor class. Example: if you're standing naked and have a base AC of 10 and AC modifier vs missile of 0, then picking up a Large Shield will give you an AC of 9 and a modifier vs missile of -1 so that your AC is 8 vs missiles, whereas picking up a Large Shield +1 will give you an AC of 8 and modifier vs missile of (another) -1 so that your AC is 7 vs missiles. So yes, either way, the modifier vs missiles is a bonus of -1, but -1 from a better starting point in the latter case.
My issue is the manner in which the two descriptions portray their numbers differently.
I don't have every number that every item uses memorized - hell at my age it's a coin toss as to whether or not I have my phone number memorized
I do know large shields offer missle protection and I was trying to decide whether or not the shield +1 was going to offer enough additional overall protection to make it worth dropping 3000g on it for Monty in my current no reload run by comparing the descriptions of the +1 shield in the store vs the regular one he was using to see exactly how much better it was.
Comparing the two descriptions it certainly appeared that the +1 shield was dropping the missle protection from 2 to 1.
If a regular large shield shows +1 AC and +2 missle protection in the description then why wouldn't the +1 shield show +2 AC and +3 missle protection instead of +2 AC and +1 missle protection?... this ain't rocket science... just a coversion of simple math to simple english using the same type of formula instead of different ones.