Please give us more scroll cases or dramatically increase the capacity of the current one

It's just not fun managing scrolls.
Yeah, I know, use or sell or store in a barrel, but it's only a game and sometimes I just want to press on and not worry about managing paper scrolls ;-)
In BG2, we were given lots of scroll cases. Why not now, when we have almost as many to deal with (if not more). I tried using console commands to add cases, but they are mirrors of each other and always have the same contents. So if you add a scroll to one, it shows up in the other, etc.
Thanks for listening!
[To anyone who is searching and finds this post at a later date : A patch of the game did dramatically increase the capacity of the scroll case, but if you obtained the case before updating your game, the original low capacity of 20 will not change. There are workarounds posted in this thread.]
Yeah, I know, use or sell or store in a barrel, but it's only a game and sometimes I just want to press on and not worry about managing paper scrolls ;-)
In BG2, we were given lots of scroll cases. Why not now, when we have almost as many to deal with (if not more). I tried using console commands to add cases, but they are mirrors of each other and always have the same contents. So if you add a scroll to one, it shows up in the other, etc.
Thanks for listening!
[To anyone who is searching and finds this post at a later date : A patch of the game did dramatically increase the capacity of the scroll case, but if you obtained the case before updating your game, the original low capacity of 20 will not change. There are workarounds posted in this thread.]
Post edited by Elder on
So, I'd say, one or two more containers of each type (gems and potions as well) wouldn't hurt.
The original capacity of the scroll case in BGee was only 20, which I agree was restrictive when there's only one of them, but a patch or two ago it was expanded to ... I dunno, I haven't hit the limit, but lots, maybe 100. More than adequate, anyway.
However, if you already had the scroll case in inventory before applying the patch, then it couldn't update the capacity of the existing item. In your next playthrough, however, the new limit will apply, which ought to suffice for any reasonable purpose.
"BG2 Tweak Pack":
From the readme portion concerning the 'Add Bags of Holding' component:
"...This component will add a gem bag to the Friendly Arm Inn store, a scroll case at the High Hedge, an ammo belt to Thunderhammer Smithy, a potion case to the Nashkel General Store, and a bag of holding at the Sorcerous Sundries in Baldur's Gate."
From the readme portion concerning the 'Bottomless Bags of Holding' component:
"This component will alter every bag of holding to have unlimited capacity. Scroll cases, ammo belts, gem bags and the regular bags of holding will be changed. This component will not affect what you can place in the bags, just the capacity. This component will affect all items in the game, including items introduced by mods. Please note that every time a script checks for an item, it'll have to parse everything you're carrying, so keep this in mind if you begin to experience slowdowns when carrying a lot of items..."
These are just a few of the many tweaks and ease of use that this mod provides...
There is a mod for bottomless storage, but it doesnt stack the scrolls and you will have a hard time finding where that one scroll you put in a long time ago.
I'd love something to store ammo, too. Half my inventories are cluttered with "4 arrows of dispelling", "2 arrows of detonation" and other things that are for specific situations and come in low quantities. I often collect good arrows or darts until I have enough to not refill every 2 fights. It would help a lot to have at least a small container for that.
1 potion case
2 scroll case
2 gem bag
would actually be perfect.
It's also sad that a returning +1 throwing dagger and/or a returning +1 dart weren't added to the game.
That, and bags of unlimited regular arrows / bolt / bullet.
I'd also have loved to have some the "X charges" items be changed to "usable X times a day" (IE .: Ring of invisibility changed to be "cast invisibility x/day, and so on) rather than the current X charges then sell/buy it back to recharge.
Back in BG1, that wasn't possible, but there's a lot of these items in BG2, and they are always very useful.
Actually, I was a bit sad to see so few of the great additions that were made to BG2 added to BG1.
Thankfully, all these can be modded in along with the BG1 NPC project.
I'd rather see the option to drop a scroll case on to a quick item slot and be able to access all the scrolls within. My wizards are usually saddled with enough stuff in their quick action bar with all their wands and potions, I don't want to spend all my time dragging new scrolls on to it just to use them, especially since so many offer only minor advantages or a low enough damage I'd be better off just letting the next round of attacks happen than go hunting through my inventory for it.
100 sounds more reasonable (though why not make it higher? - hurts no one). Too bad the increase didn't work retroactively.
Thanks for the responses, everyone. @JTM, I may try what you suggest.
I was able to use CLUA console command to simply add bag03g, which I confirmed has capacity over 20. Problem solved
For all others who need a solution, simply follow the instructions elsewhere on the forums about how to add items via console commands. add "bag03g" (and probably other letters from b to i).
Thanks so much!
Back in topic, I'd rather have the one we got, than none at all. >.> <.<
On topic though, BGEE significantly increases the number of different types of scrolls/arrows/bullets/etc from the original BG1, so there is even greater need for ease-of-use improvements.
I mean, don't you sell most of the level 1 scrolls found around the game?
In fact , if you cast spells from them, you wouldn't store so many .
You're probably addicted to collecting scrolls...
Thinking back to those days, I was saddened when I first installed the TotSC expansion to BG1.
They fixed one of my favorite exploits, which allowed you to put things like Bandit Scalps and Gems in the Quick Slots, which helped with inventory management, especially in places that dropped a lot of gems. My thoughts the topic though pretty much mirror this.
With 100 slots availible, there really is no need for more than one scroll case, and if you need more than that... STOP HORDING!
Yes, you are right to say I have a hoarding problem...but aren't dragons hoarders? My character must be part dragon and just wants to roll around in stacks of color sprays or doze on a healthy bed of infravision scrolls (piles of gold coins are preferable but not necessary).
The Golden Pantaloons was a victory for hoarders everywhere and gave hoarders further justification for hoarding to excess...
who can actually be bothered, taking their mouse, hovering over something, clicking, opening the box/chest/corpse clicking the items, then opening the inventory if your carrying too much, moving stuff around, trying to balance weights...
seriously, you people who are scrimping around, hoarding stuff and not buying arrows and potions from're damaging the economy!