Evil/Negative Clerics?

Has anyone tried running a cleric that uses nothing but the negative/damaging spells? So... Doom, Command, Cause Moderate Wounds, Poison, and the like?
Purely for roleplaying reasons, I thought of dualling one of my charnames into a cleric and have him use the negative spells, but while looking at the spell list of a cleric, I noticed that there really isn't a lot of them, and they don't get their really powerful "evil" spells until later levels. So, just out of curiosity, is an evil cleric feasible? By evil, I don't just mean their alignment, but you restrict yourself to using nothing but spells from the negative plane. Are these spells particularly useful throughout the game, or does it just become too limiting towards the end? Thoughts?
Purely for roleplaying reasons, I thought of dualling one of my charnames into a cleric and have him use the negative spells, but while looking at the spell list of a cleric, I noticed that there really isn't a lot of them, and they don't get their really powerful "evil" spells until later levels. So, just out of curiosity, is an evil cleric feasible? By evil, I don't just mean their alignment, but you restrict yourself to using nothing but spells from the negative plane. Are these spells particularly useful throughout the game, or does it just become too limiting towards the end? Thoughts?
Become a Talos priest so you can at least zap foes with electricity when all else fails. It's fairly reliable and powerful.
@lunar Thanks for the info.
Since you can't dual-class into a kit in BG2, your PC will be pretty limited in what offensive spells he'll have at his command.
Semantics, maybe. But I think that an Evil Cleric could use healing to make his marauders more effective, and would use Bless and Prayer to strengthen his hoards.
I guess to answer the OP's question though, I would suggest a Fighter/Cleric (or at least a Cleric with a 19 STR) who uses buffs and debuffs in equal measure. Someone who actually strikes fear in the hearts of his opponents with power from his GOD, all the while smiting them heartily with his giant Mace. In that, I'd bet that it could be done.
Alternately, turning Xzar into an evil cleric is quite viable. the Combo of Cleric and Necromancer is quite potent.
I believe I still have IWD2 installed on my computer. Perhaps I will give it a try.
However, as an innovative way of roleplaying a multiclass fighter/cleric, who can contribute significantly to physical combat whenever his restricted range of spells isn't helpful ... yes, I think it's an interesting plan. If you do it, let us know how it goes.
The game can be about more than just maximizing characters. Especially since most veteran players can mop the floor with enemies anyway. To just tear through opponents like they were tissue paper can get old after a while. And then you start looking for creative ideas and challenges. It isn't so much 'gimping' as, okay, let me see how to get the most out of this type of character idea, build, or overall game concept. Tactical mods of course can also increase the challenge, but the player's own creativity goes a long way.