Party formation for mage leader

I practicaly always play as a fighter type character because I don't like the idea of yielding my leader spot to someone else (especially to some dumb tanks). But now with EE I'm thinking about a mage run, but as before, I don't like existing leader-protecting formations. So I ask to add a standard formation (two people in three rows) where the leader spot is in the second or the third row. Can this happen? Alternatively is there a way to mod this with editors like NI or DLTCEP?
Alternatively, you can opt for the pyramid formation - there are two, and the second positions your party leader in the middle of the back row, while your second through sixth slot start at the point of the pyramid and work backward.
So I guess nobody else wants it, so it's probably not going to happen. I'm gonna roll a fighter-mage then.