
Okay I knew traps were powerful, but that's insane! xD The crazy part is that the damage only goes UP, so I'm guessing they'll remain (over)powerful throughout the series...part of me LOVES this, the other part doubts I would have beaten that pack otherwise...
The question I have is what exacly happened here? I've only ever gotten a trap to fire 2-3 arrows before, this time BAM 8 arrows! Is it because the wolves set it off simultaniously?
Later on high level thieves also get traps from their HLAs; Spike Trap in particular is pretty ridiculous, dealing 20d6 damage... unfortunately, come ToB, most bosses that are even remotely hard are immune to traps
Spike traps are so effective that most people avoid using them, because they're considered cheap.
Even in BG1 there are trap immune mobs (like the shade from the archeology site) but as @Luigirules said, nothing is immune to Spike Traps. So if you like the trap strategy, come BG2 you'll need those for guaranteed damage.
I might be in the minority but I don't think they're cheap, a fighter with Improved Haste and low thac0 can do way more than 20d6 over the course of a day (remember you get a limited amount / day): what's cheap is that people rest and set the max limit per map before each hard/boss fight, just like one Clone isn't cheap, abusing the system to have an infinite number of Clones with no restrictions is cheap. It's as if finding out about cheese makes even people who weren't using any wary of even using an ability normally.
I guess a simple fireball will outdmg my traps easily, and I actually tried that fight without using any traps at all - and won it without problems. Seems I overestimated those vampiric wolves - they really where pushovers compared to some other monsters (Bears...!).
I should say that I used traps against the ToB endboss and that wasn't immune, atleast. Granted the dmg reduction prevented me from doing much, though. I suppose it's balance if one plays as intended.