Fighter/Cleric - Dual Wielding Maces?

I have to be honest - A beefy fighter/cleric (7/7) with a high strength, dual wielding a +1 Stupefier in their main hand and a +2 Mace in their off hand, 2 slots Mace, 3 slots 2 Weapon Style, 1 slot Sling, seems to be ridiculous, especially with the 25% stun chance on the main-hand wep. Anyone else do a similar build, or something a little different?
Brutal weapon.
Have they fixed the bug were ranger/clerics have access to all druid and cleric spells in EE?
So I'll stick to hammers for CHARNAME.
Mace ++++
Two Weapon Style ++
I normally keep the profs balanced between the main weapon of choice and TWS. But here I wanted to see how it would work out to get him to grandmastery in Mace (he'll get another pip at Cleric 8) at the cost of the -4 offhand penalty.
On average though, I'd say APR wins out over THAC0 since your base THAC0 should be decent already, and most enemies don't have a stupidly high AC; though it could very well be that even against high AC, APR wins out.
In the long run Cleric / Ranger (Half-Elf Multi-Class) might be better over the course of the game due to the access to Druid Spells (Which people fight about since it's very powerful/not cannon to pen and paper as it stands in game mechanics), also you start with two free profinciency points in Dual Wielding at level 1!
So with the four slots you get I would do as follows at lvl 1:
++ Mace
++ Hammer
++ Dual Wielding
At level 3 up dual wielding to max +++
At level 6 put one + in Flails.
When BG2 comes out max out Flails at level 9, after this nothing you put points in will matter one lick. Flails give you The Flail of the Ages which is the best weapon in the game hands down in BG 2. And Crom Faeyr (Uber Hammer!) will make a great offhand (Maxing Strength out to 25 in the endgame) Mace of Disruption is great as well as Defender of Easthaven (Flail +2) when progressing in BG2 or situationally.
Hammers and Mace in BG1 will give you:
Stupifier +1 (Mace)
Ashadeena (Hammer +2, +1 Electrical) - Easy to get VERY early to use as an offhand for Stupifier. The Electrical damage can interrupt casters who are stoneskinned. My fave 1 handed blunt weapon from BG1 classic.
Staff-Mace +2 (On Werewolf Isle) - Better damage than Stupifier but no stun. (*NOTE Apparently this is not a mace anymore in maybe give it to a staff user as it's been updated to just "Staff Status" apparently)
(And Hammer +1, +4 Vs Giant-kin is interesting but comes a little late for my tastes)
There is a Flail +2 you can buy in BG1 but it has no abilities. (Unlike Defender of Easthaven in BG2 which grants AC Bonus like a +2 Shield and additional good stuff for damage reduction)
If you go Fighter / Cleric Multi-Class go Dwarf...slower progression but you gain better saving throws in place of fewer spells and prof points.
IT'S BOTH!!! (Counts as! In Vanilla BG1 I used to use it!) In Tutu I dual wielded it with Ashadeena...but it's both a Mace and a Staff. I guess it's like a ribbed for his/her pleasure Baton? =P
Oh well, I guess save the Staff-Mace for Jaheria! =P Honestly Stupifier and Ashadeena are FINE for the whole game.
@AHF, @Fafnir
I updated my post above to reflect that...I had no idea it didn't count as both anymore.