Could we get a bittorrent option?

With the current download problems, plus the ones that happened on release day, I think a bittorrent option would be fantastic. Even if it leaves something like the last 5MBs to be downloaded for verification, it would help a lot. Besides a lot of us have the bandwidth to help out and keep uploading for a long time. I know I'd contribute my 40/20mbps unmetered connection to the cause. It's already pretty ridiculous that in order to get the p2p option to work in the beamdog client, you have to forward ports on your router, something a lot of people are going to look at and go "huh?" at. I think bittorrent would solve your bandwidth issues and cut costs for overhaul. Plus, let's face it, I'm sure I could find a torrent of it with the patch right now if I felt like it.
The humble bundle has successfully utilized bittorrent as a legitimate distribution model for years. It means there's always a fast option available no matter how hammered the servers are.
The humble bundle has successfully utilized bittorrent as a legitimate distribution model for years. It means there's always a fast option available no matter how hammered the servers are.
The last few MB could be done the traditional way, but most of the work could be off-loaded to the bit torrent swarm.