[(BG2, BGEE) Bug] Cavalier resist fear vs. magic resistance (0813)
Currently the cavalier's innate resist fear ability is subject to magic resistance, causing it to occasionally fail. The magic resistance check should be removed:
// cavalier resist fear
COPY_EXISTING ~spcl222.spl~ ~override~
READ_LONG 0x64 "abil_off"
READ_SHORT 0x68 "abil_num"
READ_LONG 0x6a "fx_off"
FOR (index = 0 ; index < abil_num ; index = index + 1) BEGIN
READ_BYTE ("%abil_off%" + (0x28 * "%index%")) "type"
PATCH_IF ("%type%" = 1) BEGIN // melee
READ_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x1e + (0x28 * "%abil_num%")) "abil_fx_num"
READ_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x20 + (0x28 * "%abil_num%")) "abil_fx_idx"
FOR (index2 = 0 ; index2 < abil_fx_num ; index2 = index2 + 1) BEGIN
WRITE_BYTE ("%fx_off%" + 0x0d + (0x30 * ("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%"))) 3 // dispel/bypass MR
Post edited by Bhryaen on
This didn't make it into the update? I see some magic resistance flags set to 1 and some set to 3.
Remove fear/morale penalties, for example.
Some have been fixed, i don't understand the difference.
0000h Signature SPL V1
0008h UnID name 00003268
000ch ID name 0098967f
0010h Completion CAS_P02
0018h Attributes 00000000
001ch Spelltype 0004
001eh Usability 00000000
0022h Casting glow 000c
0024h UNKNOWN 00
0025h School type 0001
0027h Sec. type 0d
0028h *Multiplier 00000000
002ch *Modifier 00000000
0030h UNKNOWN 00000000
0034h Level 00000001
0038h UNKNOWN 0001
003ah Book icon SPCL222C
0042h UNKNOWN 0000
004ch UNKNOWN 00000000
0050h UnID desc ffffffff
0054h ID desc 0098967f
0060h UNKNOWN 00000000
0064h Ext. offset 00000072
0068h Ext. count 0001
006ah Feat. offset 0000009a
006eh CFB offset 0000
0070h CFB count 0000
0072h Ext. head 1
0072h Spelltype 01
0073h PST Friendly 00
0074h Use location 0004
0076h Use icon SPCL222B
007eh Target type 04
007fh Target # 00
0080h Range 001e
0082h Level req. 0001
0084h Speed 0001
0086h UNKNOWN 0000
0088h UNKNOWN 0006
008ah UNKNOWN 0000
008ch UNKNOWN 0000
008eh UNKNOWN 0001
0090h Feat. count 000f
0092h Feat. offset 0000
0094h UNKNOWN 0001
0096h UNKNOWN 0001
0098h Projectile 00a8
009ah Feat block 1
009ah Opcode 0017
009ch Target type 02
009dh Power 01
009eh Parameter 1 00000000
00a2h Parameter 2 00000000
00a6h Timing method 01
00a7h Resistance 01
00a8h Duration 00000000
00ach Max. prob. 64
00adh Min. prob. 00
00aeh Resource
00b6h Min level 00000000
00bah Max level 00000000
00beh S. throw type 00000000
00c2h S. throw bonus 00000000
00c6h UNKNOWN 00000000
00cah Feat block 2
00cah Opcode 008d
00cch Target type 02
00cdh Power 01
00ceh Parameter 1 00000000
00d2h Parameter 2 0000000e
00d6h Timing method 01
00d7h Resistance 01
00d8h Duration 00000000
00dch Max. prob. 64
00ddh Min. prob. 00
00deh Resource
00e6h Min level 00000000
00eah Max level 00000000
00eeh S. throw type 00000000
00f2h S. throw bonus 00000000
00f6h UNKNOWN 00000000
00fah Feat block 3
00fah Opcode 00a1
00fch Target type 02
00fdh Power 01
00feh Parameter 1 00000000
0102h Parameter 2 00000000
0106h Timing method 01
0107h Resistance 01
0108h Duration 00000000
010ch Max. prob. 64
010dh Min. prob. 00
010eh Resource
0116h Min level 00000000
011ah Max level 00000000
011eh S. throw type 00000000
0122h S. throw bonus 00000000
0126h UNKNOWN 00000000
012ah Feat block 4
012ah Opcode 0065
012ch Target type 02
012dh Power 01
012eh Parameter 1 00000000
0132h Parameter 2 00000018
0136h Timing method 00
0137h Resistance 01
0138h Duration 0000012c
013ch Max. prob. 64
013dh Min. prob. 00
013eh Resource
0146h Min level 00000000
014ah Max level 00000000
014eh S. throw type 00000000
0152h S. throw bonus 00000000
0156h UNKNOWN 00000000
015ah Feat block 5
015ah Opcode 0032
015ch Target type 02
015dh Power 01
015eh Parameter 1 21600000
0162h Parameter 2 000f0000
0166h Timing method 00
0167h Resistance 01
0168h Duration 00000001
016ch Max. prob. 64
016dh Min. prob. 00
016eh Resource
0176h Min level 00000000
017ah Max level 00000000
017eh S. throw type 00000000
0182h S. throw bonus 00000000
0186h UNKNOWN 00000000
018ah Feat block 6
018ah Opcode 008e
018ch Target type 02
018dh Power 01
018eh Parameter 1 00000000
0192h Parameter 2 00000025
0196h Timing method 00
0197h Resistance 01
0198h Duration 0000012c
019ch Max. prob. 64
019dh Min. prob. 00
019eh Resource
01a6h Min level 00000000
01aah Max level 00000000
01aeh S. throw type 00000000
01b2h S. throw bonus 00000000
01b6h UNKNOWN 00000000
01bah Feat block 7
01bah Opcode 00ae
01bch Target type 02
01bdh Power 01
01beh Parameter 1 00000000
01c2h Parameter 2 00000000
01c6h Timing method 00
01c7h Resistance 01
01c8h Duration 00000000
01cch Max. prob. 64
01cdh Min. prob. 00
01ceh Resource EFF_P01
01d6h Min level 00000000
01dah Max level 00000000
01deh S. throw type 00000000
01e2h S. throw bonus 00000000
01e6h UNKNOWN 00000000
01eah Feat block 8
01eah Opcode 00ae
01ech Target type 02
01edh Power 01
01eeh Parameter 1 00000000
01f2h Parameter 2 00000000
01f6h Timing method 04
01f7h Resistance 01
01f8h Duration 0000012c
01fch Max. prob. 64
01fdh Min. prob. 00
01feh Resource EFF_M11A
0206h Min level 00000000
020ah Max level 00000000
020eh S. throw type 00000000
0212h S. throw bonus 00000000
0216h UNKNOWN 00000000
021ah Feat block 9
021ah Opcode 010b
021ch Target type 02
021dh Power 01
021eh Parameter 1 000036b7
0222h Parameter 2 00000000
0226h Timing method 00
0227h Resistance 03
0228h Duration 0000012c
022ch Max. prob. 64
022dh Min. prob. 00
022eh Resource
0236h Min level 00000000
023ah Max level 00000000
023eh S. throw type 00000000
0242h S. throw bonus 00000000
0246h UNKNOWN 00000000
024ah Feat block 10
024ah Opcode 010b
024ch Target type 02
024dh Power 01
024eh Parameter 1 00004413
0252h Parameter 2 00000000
0256h Timing method 00
0257h Resistance 03
0258h Duration 0000012c
025ch Max. prob. 64
025dh Min. prob. 00
025eh Resource
0266h Min level 00000000
026ah Max level 00000000
026eh S. throw type 00000000
0272h S. throw bonus 00000000
0276h UNKNOWN 00000000
027ah Feat block 11
027ah Opcode 00f0
027ch Target type 02
027dh Power 01
027eh Parameter 1 00000000
0282h Parameter 2 00000024
0286h Timing method 01
0287h Resistance 03
0288h Duration 00000000
028ch Max. prob. 64
028dh Min. prob. 00
028eh Resource
0296h Min level 00000000
029ah Max level 00000000
029eh S. throw type 00000000
02a2h S. throw bonus 00000000
02a6h UNKNOWN 00000000
02aah Feat block 12
02aah Opcode 00a9
02ach Target type 02
02adh Power 01
02aeh Parameter 1 00000000
02b2h Parameter 2 00000024
02b6h Timing method 00
02b7h Resistance 03
02b8h Duration 0000012c
02bch Max. prob. 64
02bdh Min. prob. 00
02beh Resource
02c6h Min level 00000000
02cah Max level 00000000
02ceh S. throw type 00000000
02d2h S. throw bonus 00000000
02d6h UNKNOWN 00000000
02dah Feat block 13
02dah Opcode 006a
02dch Target type 02
02ddh Power 01
02deh Parameter 1 00000001
02e2h Parameter 2 00000001
02e6h Timing method 00
02e7h Resistance 03
02e8h Duration 0000012c
02ech Max. prob. 64
02edh Min. prob. 00
02eeh Resource
02f6h Min level 00000000
02fah Max level 00000000
02feh S. throw type 00000000
0302h S. throw bonus 00000000
0306h UNKNOWN 00000000
030ah Feat block 14
030ah Opcode 0065
030ch Target type 02
030dh Power 01
030eh Parameter 1 00000000
0312h Parameter 2 0000006a
0316h Timing method 00
0317h Resistance 03
0318h Duration 0000012c
031ch Max. prob. 64
031dh Min. prob. 00
031eh Resource
0326h Min level 00000000
032ah Max level 00000000
032eh S. throw type 00000000
0332h S. throw bonus 00000000
0336h UNKNOWN 00000000
033ah Feat block 15
033ah Opcode 0065
033ch Target type 02
033dh Power 01
033eh Parameter 1 00000000
0342h Parameter 2 00000017
0346h Timing method 00
0347h Resistance 03
0348h Duration 0000012c
034ch Max. prob. 64
034dh Min. prob. 00
034eh Resource
0356h Min level 00000000
035ah Max level 00000000
035eh S. throw type 00000000
0362h S. throw bonus 00000000
0366h UNKNOWN 00000000
Any Betazoid can check their file in an editor?
Doesn't really make sense in a spell where you want to update all effects.
So, i'm pretty sure @Coriander is right about the code is in their tp2 pack, but it isn't working correctly.
@Nathan, @Coriander
Pretty please?
Recruited Tethoril and Viconia (gave her a potion of magic protection that bumped her magic resistance to 100) and cast Remove fear on them. The spell took effect.