No resurrection available at temple - SOLVED

I've worked my way through the Friendly Arm Inn and onto Beregost. While there, I keep losing party members in fights. When I go to the Temple east of the town, I get no option to resurrect greyed-out characters - when interacting with the priest there, the character disappears from the right-side bar. A space remains for the character portrait, but it is empty. There is not even an option to resurrect - no icon or anything, just Scrolls, Donate, Store and Identify (often I cannot sell at the store either). When not interacting with the priest, the greyed-out character reappears in the right-side bar. The same happens at the temple at the Friendly Arm Inn. Am I missing something obvious here, or is it a bug in the game?
EDIT: To answer my own question: Go to the scrolls (services) icon and click on the dead character. Then use the 'Raise Dead' option. The dead character is only unavailable when the other three icons are selected.
EDIT: To answer my own question: Go to the scrolls (services) icon and click on the dead character. Then use the 'Raise Dead' option. The dead character is only unavailable when the other three icons are selected.