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[(BG2) Engine Bug] Attacks per round bonuses (0824) (ToBEx10)



  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    SethDavis said:

    Small problems being that all the items/effect need to be redone and characters now have a default number of attacks of 1/2. Not sure where to change that.

    @Ascension64 might.
  • WispWisp Member Posts: 1,102
    So the opcode now takes the number of APR as its argument, rather than the "key" value?
    That would be unfortunate, as it leads to portability problems for mods.
  • SethDavisSethDavis Member Posts: 1,812
    @Wisp - It still takes the key as the argument, but they are arranged such that (0->0) (1->0.5) etc
  • WispWisp Member Posts: 1,102
    I don't suppose it would be possible to keep the significance of the old key values? That way mods won't have to use different values for BGEE. As a bonus, you wouldn't have to chase down the code that makes characters start with key = 1 (1 apr in the old system but 0.5 in the new), or whatever it is.
  • SethDavisSethDavis Member Posts: 1,812
    @Wisp - I suppose I could apply the ToBEx fix if someone could provide it to me. Other than that I'm not seeing a way to fix this without breaking things that count on it being wonky.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    I'm not sure how many times this would come up but:

    If you keep the old key values wouldn't it lead to problems when using items or spells that would increase your attack per round by 1 or some such? Or would all current items/spells work correctly if the table in the opening post was kept?
  • WispWisp Member Posts: 1,102
    edited August 2012
    I guess I'll ping @Ascension64 for details on the ToBEx fix. I'm not familiar enough with the subject to be relied on for providing the pertinent details.

    If the table in the opening post was kept, it would mean all current uses of this opcode would continue to work as they do now. To my knowledge, the method used by GemRB and ToBEx solves the problem of stacking this effect while still preserving the old key values (meaning, mods do not have to be specifically tailored to any particular implementation).
  • Ascension64Ascension64 Member Posts: 560
    edited August 2012
    Too bad numAttacks is a short, otherwise you could just convert the whole field to a float. TobEx works around existing key values by converting short<->float. Feel free to pilfer and modify as necessary... not the most elegant of codes.
    float CDerivedStats_NumAttacksShortToFloat(short s) {
    bool bNegative = s < 0 ? true : false;
    if (bNegative) s = -s;
    float f = (float)s;

    if (f >= 0.0 && f <= 5.0) {
    } else {
    if (f >= 6.0 && f <= 10.0) {
    f -= 5.5;
    } else {
    if (pGameOptionsEx->bDebugVerbose) {
    LPCTSTR lpsz = "CDerivedStats_NumAttacksShortToFloat(): Number of attacks out of range (%d)\r\n";
    console.writef(lpsz, s);
    L.appendf(lpsz, s);
    f = 0.0;

    if (bNegative) f = -f;
    return f;

    short CDerivedStats_NumAttacksFloatToShort(float f) {
    short s;

    bool bNegative = f < 0.0 ? true : false;
    if (bNegative) f = -f;

    if (f > 5.0) f = 5.0;
    if (f < 0.0) f = 0.0;

    if (f == 0.0 ||
    f == 1.0 ||
    f == 2.0 ||
    f == 3.0 ||
    f == 4.0 ||
    f == 5.0) {
    s = (short)f;
    } else {
    if (f == 0.5 ||
    f == 1.5 ||
    f == 2.5 ||
    f == 3.5 ||
    f == 4.5) {
    s = (short)(f + 5.5);
    } else {
    LPCTSTR lpsz = "CDerivedStats_NumAttacksFloatToShort(): I got a strange number of attacks value (%f)\r\n";
    console.writef(lpsz, f);
    L.appendf(lpsz, f);
    s = 0;

    if (bNegative) s = -s;
    return s;
    Have to fix the effect opcode:
    BOOL CEffectAttacksPerRoundMod::ApplyEffect(CCreatureObject& creTarget) {
    switch (effect.nParam2) {
    case 0: //add
    if (effect.nTiming == 1) {
    float fNumAttacks = CDerivedStats_NumAttacksShortToFloat(creTarget.m_BaseStats.numAttacks) + CDerivedStats_NumAttacksShortToFloat((short)(effect.nParam1));
    creTarget.m_BaseStats.numAttacks = CDerivedStats_NumAttacksFloatToShort(fNumAttacks);

    bRefreshStats = TRUE;
    bPurge = TRUE;
    } else {
    float fNumAttacks = CDerivedStats_NumAttacksShortToFloat(creTarget.cdsDiff.numAttacks) + CDerivedStats_NumAttacksShortToFloat((short)(effect.nParam1));
    creTarget.cdsDiff.numAttacks = CDerivedStats_NumAttacksFloatToShort(fNumAttacks);

    bPurge = FALSE;
    case 1: //set
    if (effect.nTiming == 1) {
    creTarget.m_BaseStats.numAttacks = effect.nParam1;
    if (creTarget.m_BaseStats.numAttacks > 10) creTarget.m_BaseStats.numAttacks = 10;
    if (creTarget.m_BaseStats.numAttacks < 0) creTarget.m_BaseStats.numAttacks = 0;

    bRefreshStats = TRUE;
    bPurge = TRUE;
    } else {
    creTarget.cdsCurrent.numAttacks = effect.nParam1;
    if (creTarget.cdsCurrent.numAttacks > 10) creTarget.cdsCurrent.numAttacks = 10;
    if (creTarget.cdsCurrent.numAttacks < 0) creTarget.cdsCurrent.numAttacks = 0;

    bPurge = FALSE;
    case 2: //percent
    if (effect.nTiming == 1) {
    float fNumAttacks = CDerivedStats_NumAttacksShortToFloat(creTarget.m_BaseStats.numAttacks) * (float)effect.nParam1 / 100.0;
    fNumAttacks = floor(fNumAttacks * 2.0 + 0.5) / 2.0; //round to nearest 0.5
    creTarget.m_BaseStats.numAttacks = CDerivedStats_NumAttacksFloatToShort(fNumAttacks);
    if (creTarget.m_BaseStats.numAttacks < 1) creTarget.m_BaseStats.numAttacks = 1;

    bRefreshStats = TRUE;
    bPurge = TRUE;
    } else {
    float fNumAttacks = CDerivedStats_NumAttacksShortToFloat(creTarget.m_BaseStats.numAttacks) * (float)effect.nParam1 / 100.0;
    fNumAttacks = floor(fNumAttacks * 2.0 + 0.5) / 2.0; //round to nearest 0.5
    creTarget.cdsCurrent.numAttacks = CDerivedStats_NumAttacksFloatToShort(fNumAttacks);
    if (creTarget.cdsCurrent.numAttacks < 1) creTarget.cdsCurrent.numAttacks = 1;

    bPurge = FALSE;
    LPCTSTR lpsz = "DETOUR_CEffectAttacksPerRoundMod::DETOUR_ApplyEffect(): invalid effect.nParam2 (%d)\r\n";
    console.writef(lpsz, effect.nParam2);
    L.appendf(lpsz, effect.nParam2);
    bPurge = TRUE;

    return TRUE;
    ...and the + operator for CDerivedStats.
    CDerivedStats& CDerivedStats::operator+(CDerivedStats& cds) {
    if (pGameOptionsEx->bEffAttacksPerRoundFix) {
    float fNumAttacks = CDerivedStats_NumAttacksShortToFloat(numAttacks) + CDerivedStats_NumAttacksShortToFloat(cds.numAttacks);
    numAttacks = CDerivedStats_NumAttacksFloatToShort(fNumAttacks);
    cds.numAttacks = 0;
    numAttacks = CDerivedStats_NumAttacksFloatToShort(fNumAttacks);
    Post edited by SethDavis on
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    @Ascension64 - try replacing the "code" tags with "pre" tags: it will make your code look cleaner / more readable :)
  • SethDavisSethDavis Member Posts: 1,812
    @Ascension64 - Thank you very much ^^ This makes way more sense than the way they did it.

    Some of these member variables have eluded me thus far, hopefully they're still there.

    *begin question barrage*
    This should be entered into the code right? Not a tp2 or such?
    Will this play nicely with the weirdness in the weapon stat checks?
    How did you guys manage to use actual code?
    *end barrage of questions*
  • Ascension64Ascension64 Member Posts: 560
    edited August 2012
    Some of these member variables have eluded me thus far, hopefully they're still there.
    The variables are probably different from the source code, since I had to give them all my own names. However, they should all still be there.
    This should be entered into the code right? Not a tp2 or such?
    Yes, the source code needs to be modified to use the code. I would suggest not including the debug code, or modifying the code to use the debug code relevant to the source, since TobEx uses its own debug implementation.
    Will this play nicely with the weirdness in the weapon stat checks?
    Which checks are those? The above fix has been in TobEx for quite some time. So far, it has been stable. I can't imagine the code messing up that much because all it does it to make the mathematics occur in float and convert back to short to put back in the existing variables.
    How did you guys manage to use actual code?
    Oh, by being really naughty. EXE code was replaced/overwritten/modified using code injection.
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    @SethDavis We also got names of some variables and most functions from assertion texts and debug info from the Mac version. So, if the code is scarily familiar, that's a plausible explanation.
  • SethDavisSethDavis Member Posts: 1,812
    edited August 2012
    snip the awesomeness the masses could never handle
    Post edited by SethDavis on
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    When moved to the public "Fixed" forum, this should be renamed ToBEx 05 for consistency with the other ToBEx fixes that have been implemented so far.
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    edited August 2012
    And remove the source code, before public. That appears to be genuine ToB code, not stuff from ToBEx.
  • Ascension64Ascension64 Member Posts: 560
    @SethDavis: I do believe there is something inherently incorrect with getting the number of attacks in the above code. I remember looking at the compiled version and it was hard to make sense of because of all the mathematics involved, but haven't done anything about it. Will take a closer look a bit later and give you my opinion.

    Agree with snipping that code before release. The TobEx stuff is public, so that can be left in if desired.
  • Ascension64Ascension64 Member Posts: 560
    edited August 2012
    @SethDavis: update. I believe the modifications to the number of attacks in your code and my code are independent changes to each other. My code is specifically related to the effect opcode #1 (Number of Attacks mod), whereas your code is specifically related to the proficiency-associated number of attacks bonuses defined in WSPATCK.2DA. Both will make independent changes to the number of attacks in the CDerivedStats struct.

    I reviewed the existing BG:EE code you posted and it looks fine (to be nitpicky, there is redundant duplication of code that you could draw out of the if (!offhand) {...} else {...} code block.

    As a side note, the code is really sloppy and it and WSPATCK.2DA is really weird to read when it substitutes -1 for +0.5, -2 for +1.5, etc.
  • SethDavisSethDavis Member Posts: 1,812
    @Ascension64 - Thanks for looking into it, I was going cross-eyed trying to see a conflict :)
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862

    As a side note, the code is really sloppy and it and WSPATCK.2DA is really weird to read when it substitutes -1 for +0.5, -2 for +1.5, etc.

    Well, i use integers, just multiplied by 2 :)
    I hate to use floats where integers are enough.
  • BhryaenBhryaen Member Posts: 2,874
    So this is... fixed? @Ascension64, is there any straightforward way of testing this- maybe by creating an item that increments up your APR, seeing how it works? As big a fix as it is, it's implemented subtly...
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    I can confirm--wielding MMM while under OSpin or Boon (with the ApR bonuses, not the shell spell wonk) was holding my ApR steady at 5, instead of rolling over to 1/2.
  • BhryaenBhryaen Member Posts: 2,874
    Confirmed Fixed:

    Just made ITMs that increase APR, using a 1st lvl Fighter w/ 1 pip in Longsword and a wielding a regular Longsword (SW1H04) and a base APR of 3/2:
    APR Bonus   +.5    +1   +1.5    +2   +2.5    +3   +3.5    +4   +4.5    +5
    APR Result 3/2 2 5/2 3 7/2 4 9/2 5 5 5
    As a bonus it maxed out at 5... rather than wrapping or falling to 0 or something... Just sayin'...

    Whatever was done, certainly seems to work- and integrates with the native NI system for ITM creation. :-)
  • BhryaenBhryaen Member Posts: 2,874
    Which ToBEx number does this APR fix correspond with? I'm intending to file this thusly.
  • Ascension64Ascension64 Member Posts: 560
  • BhryaenBhryaen Member Posts: 2,874
    Good news on this front...
  • BhryaenBhryaen Member Posts: 2,874
    Merged @deratiseur's thread on the same subject with this one...
  • BoasterBoaster Member Posts: 622
    What about the issue of setting APR with the "Set" parameter and setting APR to "1"? Warrior's APR from Level and proficiency points will be added AFTER the "Set" parameter.

    Is there any sort of flag that can be added to the APR bonus to factor in after Level and proficiency bonuses?

    And also, has subtracting APR been addressed? It presently does nothing.
  • Ascension64Ascension64 Member Posts: 560
    @Boaster: I don't think ToB ever features instanteous modifier types like you suggest. TobEx added this to a few opcodes.
    The fix should handle subtraction and setting.
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