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Something strange

After getting new patch and installing SCS It seems like certain actions don't register right away (like talking to someone or clicking to enter a building. I have to click several times for the character to do the action. Not sure if this is because of new patch, SCS, or just me

anyone else experience this?


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  • bdeonovicbdeonovic Member Posts: 86
    Well that is unfortunate haha I waited for SCS and this patch to hit so I can start a new game of BGEE and now there are some troubles. Oh, well hope it gets sorted out before the next patch.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    It's affecting gameplay considerably, so I'd be very surprised if it doesn't get corrected swiftly.
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    I'm discovering ways to work around the worst effect which (for me) is targeting the entire party to attack something and instead having them saunter over and stop in front of the target in perfect formation as if they were about to be inspected by General Mayhem.

    If the walking markers show up in formation in front of the target when I tell them to attack as a group I stay paused and individually hit the attack icon then the target for each NPC which seems to sort them out to attack.

    For me the walking marker(s) appearing in the target area is the key thats it's wonking out
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,452
    I think the easiest fix is just to click fast, don't linger on the button. It takes fast clicks better than slow ones.
    But absolutely watch your movement/target cursors. That will usually show what has registered and what hasn't.
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