Two potential patch bugs

Since I never find bugs first, I'll ask here if anyone else experiences this. Maybe it's just me.
Firebead does not give the quest in Beregost either. That his Candlekeep quest is bugged is known, and you can still get the scroll by pickpocketing, so it's possible to complete it. But in Beregost, he doesn't give out the quest at all and only repeats his recommendation. Pickpocketing him gives me the book I'd usually get as reward, then "target has no items", meaning the scroll case isn't there.
And Neera's gem bag... I'm unable to move all gems in it to the inventory or sell them from within the bag. The turquoise gem won't move and can't be sold, and all others are 1 gold now. I read that the gems are somehow related to something that happens in Baldur's Gate. So this might be intentional? Why only the turquoise though?
Correction: I can't move the turquoise, and not sell any of the gems (they aren't greyed out in shop and show as 1 gold value, but the Sell button is greyed out when they are selected.)
Firebead does not give the quest in Beregost either. That his Candlekeep quest is bugged is known, and you can still get the scroll by pickpocketing, so it's possible to complete it. But in Beregost, he doesn't give out the quest at all and only repeats his recommendation. Pickpocketing him gives me the book I'd usually get as reward, then "target has no items", meaning the scroll case isn't there.
And Neera's gem bag... I'm unable to move all gems in it to the inventory or sell them from within the bag. The turquoise gem won't move and can't be sold, and all others are 1 gold now. I read that the gems are somehow related to something that happens in Baldur's Gate. So this might be intentional? Why only the turquoise though?
Correction: I can't move the turquoise, and not sell any of the gems (they aren't greyed out in shop and show as 1 gold value, but the Sell button is greyed out when they are selected.)
I also had a similar problem with the gem bag, but I was able to move gems to and from the bag, and was just unable to sell them. I solved this by selecting all the gems at the merchant screen, and selecting an item that wasn't a gem that I could sell as well, ie when selling them at the Thunderhammer Smithy I selected all the gems along with a Medium Shield, and the sell button was then clickable and he bought all of them.
I managed to sell the gems the same way you did, along with random weapons I picked up. I first tried in Beregost/Thunderhammer and figured maybe it was changed so that he buys no gems anymore either (since he doesn't buy jewelry). I then picked up some random stuff on the way to Nashkel and there I was able to sell them with weapons selected. They still only give 1 gold, while other gems get the normal price.
In the city, near the Black Dragon Gate, Neera is accosted by a halfling. It turns out that she stole the gems from him. You can fight him or pay him off. I assume that if you haven't sold the gems you could return them to him.[/SPOILER]
BTW there is no longer any minimum party gold requirement to trigger Firebeard's book quest, but I think you still need to speak to him with either CHARNAME or Imoen (because they're both from Candlekeep). If the quest still doesn't trigger, it may be that the bug above is still an issue. If so, it is possible to manually reset the variable, so that you can complete the quest, though, in the console (ctrl-space, if you have enabled the console in your .ini file) type:
CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("TalkedToFirebead", "GLOBAL", 0)
The gems being quest items would explain why they are only worth 1 gold and not sellable on their own, but they stack with other gems (I found another of the golden egg-shaped one after attempting to sell them and put it in the bag out of habit) and it would be pretty stupid to not mark them as quest items in any other way. As it is, I can see a LOT people accidentally selling them when clearing out the bag.
Secondly it seems they have fixed the clicking, recieving a voiced click response from a character, but the character not taking any action bug and replaced it with another. Now when I click on something that you can interact with such as a door, a zone threshold or an item on the ground sometimes the game will just send the party there instead of interacting with said item. So, instead of my PC moving to pick up some loot it makes the entire party move to where the loot was as if I had simply clicked the ground under the loot thereby making a "move to" command for my party. Weird.
The gems clearly sound "feature", or better "quest". Other quest items are always greyed out in shop and show a value of 0 and/or have a name visible (and even with that, I often sell Perdue's sword...) I doubt I can ever stand Neera long enough to take her to Baldur's Gate (just barely managed to build up a tolerance to complete the Adoy quest), but I imagine people who do keep her in the party would want to complete that quest. I guess it's better with some hints now, but they are easily overlooked.